A young man just called to my house, mid morning, saying he had ‘kicked his ball over’ to the rear garden. He had been ringing the doorbell upstairs, and then came down to me. I thought it might be a delivery for neighbours. It’s an unlikely story, given he was abut 25, a bit old for ball playing, it would be hard to kick a ball to the rear gardens, and it is raining… So I just wanted to alert people to the fact that it’s holiday season and he may have been checking out houses for break-ins. Guy was about 5ft 5, unshaven, baseball hat, black & red checked short jacket, black trousers, one slightly ‘sleepy’ eye. Apologies if this was a genuine call, but it does seem suspicious. Has anyone else seen anything strange recently?
Archived on 6/5/2022
Suspicious caller Wynell Road

26 Jul '17

28 Jul '17
Many years ago, I was burgled in Crofton Park in the middle of the day (I’d only popped out for 2 hours).
A couple of weeks later, a gentleman appeared at my door asking if I’d dropped the slightly bent screwdriver he was holding outside. I said “no, but I’ll have it in case someone comes for it”. We both knew what he was up to, but I didn’t have any evidence.
Definitely a burglar trying it on and I’d bet a large some of money that your gentleman caller was the same.

28 Jul '17
Do you have an alarm, out of curiosity?