Just recently I’ve noticed that when I’m viewing the forum in landscape on my iPhone 6 Plus, the top banner (with forum logo and my profile pic etc) appears when I pull down, but disappears when I let go. All fine in portrait.
Forum misbehaving on iPhone 6 in landscape

Thanks for letting me know @RachaelDunlop. I couldn’t recreate this problem on my iPhone 6S, but I’ll keep an eye on the Discourse bug list to see if this gets reported as a known issue. If not it may be worth you submitting a screenshot to this forum - they are very receptive to bug reports and tend to fix them quickly.
I keep SE23.life up-to-date on the latest version of the Discourse software (with a couple of days lag just to make sure other forums act as guinea pigs first!)

Thanks, @chris. The Plus does behave differently to the smaller 6 in landscape so this bug might be peculiar to the Plus.

I must admit that when I post in landscape on my Sony Z5 the written area where I post disappears entirely just giving me the top and keyboard. So if there are spelling mistakes it’s not me OK:grin:
Edit: I also cannot change my profile picture.

I don’t have a Sony phone to investigate unfortunately. Reckon you’ll be able to make the June meetup? If so I can take a look then.

@anon5422159, I shall do my best. Request have been put in already and I am on best behaviour