I think my Dell monitor has bust. I was in the middle of uploading photo’s to an agency and the screen went black (it’s a desk top). When I press the on/off switch on the monitor, I get the picture back for a fraction of a second, with the error message “auto detect digital input”. It makes a fizzing noise and goes black again. Can anyone help me? Mend it? Or have a spare monitor they can give away? Apart from my BlackBerry, it’s my only communication!
SORTED! - Wanted - flat screen PC monitor

Silly question - but have you tried unplugging the monitor from the PC and plugging it back in again? What you describe could simply be a loose cable (they do have a tendency to work themselves out over time)

Hi - yes, i’ve checked all the cables - the monitor one is one of those that has two screws either side of it holding it in - so can’t come loose.

Sounds like a loose power cable or an issue with the power somewhere so check it is pushed all the way in.
If busted I may have one you can have but they are old and may not have the right inputs. Do you know what the lead is from the PC - VGA, DVI, Display Port or HDMI

Hi - I checked all the cables - none seem loose. Monitor has one cable that has a 3 pin plug that goes into wall, the other cable that goes into the back is oblong and white and it screws in either side with screws that you turn/tighten

@Gillipops - I think I have an old Dell screen in my workshop that you are welcome to. Can’t remember the specs off the top of my head, but think it is probably 17" widescreen. I’m not sure where all the cables are, but they are probably the same as your existing ones.

I’ve got a spare Dell monitor. Cant remember what size though it’s not super big. PM me and we can work out a plan

Is there a power light on the front of the monitor? If so does it stay on?

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who replied. I’m back up and running…thank you so much Ed!

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