Archived on 6/5/2022

I just want to say a massive ‘THANK YOU’ to all of you on SE23.lfe

9 Aug '17

Due to technical difficulties, I’ve been ‘sort of’ off-line for nearly a week. It felt like my jugular had been severed! (not that I want to admit to a social media addiction).

What I do want to say isI don’t know where I’d be without you lot!. This site has been such a blessing to me. Such a lifeline. Yes, at times - I see fights, spats going on - but hey, I guess that’s all part of being a family.

Thank you Chris B - for being such a foundational rock and being so devoted and available/approachable. Such 24/7 high class support!

Thank you to all the countless people who have joined in my threads/topics about fav songs, local buildings and other trivia.

Thank you to all those who have given me advice and helped me in a physical way too.

This is an amazing forum and I don’t know what I’d do without you all.

Just sayin’ !!!
