Just read about this on Facebook - apparently coming in October. does anyone know where it’ll be?
Little Nan’s Bar Forest Hill pop up

Oh, great news for Forest Hill - it says the location is a secret on their FB page.

It’s super secret apparently. I’ve been trying to find out but to no avail. There will be an exclusive Gin Club members discount though.

If I was one of those sort of annoying smug guys who knew something that others didn’t then I’d post here that I knew something that others didn’t.
So I’m either annoyingly smug or I don’t know anything. I’ll let you decide.

I have no idea but I’m wondering the events room at the Hill?

The Hill has closed!

The Hill is an Enterprise Inns pub so presumably Enterprise Inns will find someone to run it.

Perhaps but for now it is closed shut.

Let’s have a wager. Sorry this is a somewhat lazy poll. Maybe you can add:
- The old Shoe Repair Place
- Formerly Montage
- Formally The Hill
- Existing pub (The Signal, Sylvan Post, etc)
- Somewhere on Perry Vale
- V22
- General closed down takeaway
- Other
- It’s all a lie
0 voters

Anything can happen before October!

I think here was a clue which suggested it was under something. But I might have imagined that.


Dartmouth Road I say
@simon smug is not good ever, spill the beans xxx

Underground or vaults was mentioned.

Maybe @TheArchieParker should be added to the poll

Alas, not The Archie Parker, could you imagine doing it in our dungeon!?!

Dungeon? I didn’t know we had such diversity in Forest Hill.

Just don’t tell everyone, people will want to visit, and the gimp doesn’t like visitors.

This is what The Dungeon originally looked like @starman when it was an empty shop.
Definitely not safe or would pass any building regs, but I think it’s a beautiful piece of local history anyway
I have visited @Simon dungeons, & I wouldn’t like to cross his gimp

So the update on this is that it WILL be somewhere on Dartmouth Road!
Exciting times for D Rd

Excellent, been to their place in Catford and good fun, night time economy booming in forest hill, let’s see what happens at the hill next

Sadly this won’t be at The Hill, but I really hope someone gives it a new lease of life very soon

Forest Hill venue of Little Nan’s pop up to be announced officially in Time Out tomorrow

It begins with S

Stag and Bow?

Signal, Sylvan Post?

The Signal is on Devonshire Road.

I’m not sure Sydenham School is entirely appropriate

Although twitter seems to have beaten Time Out to the scoop - I won’t spoil it for anyone desperate to see it in Time Out

The secret’s out - Little Nan’s will be popping up in Stag and Bow!

Yep, @tristan should be able to give you booking details
Email here http://tristan@littlenans.co.uk/

Thanks mush! x

Hey! You can give me an email on tristan@littlenans.co.uk to book in! We look forward to having you around X

After starting this thread, I’m afraid I moved out to darkest Kent (well, Tunbridge Wells) before I had a chance to check out he new bar. Gutted!

Did anybody go the opening weekend? Review?

I went. Very good. Hope it becomes permanent

We went on Friday - it was very enjoyable. Lethal teapot cocktails - Saturday morning was a little bit of a write off!

Looking forward to popping in this Saturday - given we only get the opportunity to go out once in a blue moon, is it busy enough that we should consider a reservation - or are we reasonably safe being able to just pop-in as we go/come back from grabbing some food?

It’s quite small so booking would probably be advisable.

Definitely book. Otherwise you’ll end on the bar which is ok but not as good as a table

Looking forward to trying out Little Nan’s at the weekend.