Looks like the former bakery/coffee shop on perry vale is being converted in to a very small 1 bedroom flat, shame we loose that retail space but over the last few years nothing really worked there, I cannot think of the name above the door but sure someone remembers
Old bakery on Perry Vale


Yep that’s it, it really makes a tiny flat

There is a planning application http://planning.lewisham.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=_LEWIS_DCAPR_90776
showing details of the plans. This is submitted under permitted development, so it is unlikely to be refused.

Gosh that will be a tiny flat! I imagine it will be quite noisy being right on the corner.
It’s a shame, I did used to go in Lolo’s quite a lot. I do think it’s a better spot for a shop than a flat, you’d think with all the housing nearby there would be the market for some sort of retail.

Not only small but badly proportioned. I’d be surprised if the council would approve this change of use.

The change of use is one thing - but the proposed use of this awkward space is totally back-to-front due to the fact that the applicant hasn’t extended the soil pipe to the narrow end. In my opinion it should be ensuite at the front, leading through to bedroom then combined kitchen and lounge area with front door inside the gated entrance.

I walked past Lola’s today and seems there is activity. It seems their planning application got declined last time I looked. Could this mean something exciting is happening here? A coffee shop here would be so well used.

Looks like work has started on this site again with everything being ripped out!
There was a planning application approved from August: DC/19/112355
Here’s a picture from it:
Given the tiny plot on the corner, I think this is a good use to combine it with an existing local business and will be keen to see the property back in use.