Anyone like a fresh marrow?

Me, love it roasted with olive oil & rosemary, or olive oil & balsamic vinegar

Ta for the PM @DevonishForester look forward to cooking this for my friend & her kids tomorrow aswell as my own brood

I’ve been out ‘of the loop’ for a few days…just wanted to ping an email to say that despite my exhaustion - I laughed at the heading ‘marrow’. Down to earth - and to the point!

We shredded one - very tasty veggie pasta!

Very ‘de rigueur’. I’ve noticed ‘shredding’ veg is the new pasta. :o)

My chickens love them. Well overgrown courgettes really but the same thing. They go nuts for them

I’ll give priority to humans, but should be one or two for the chickens.

It’s fine - let the people have em! I have an allotment and keep letting the courgettes get away from me. One day they are nice and small - next day… Marrow! Still the chucks love em - great recyclers of unwanted veg.

Thank you @DevonishForester for dropping off the marrows
I’m roasting one tonight with tomatoes & rosemary & tomorrow I’ll try out the pasta you suggested & use what’s left over to try out marrow rosti’s (normally do potato, cheese & spring onion, so will experiment & use marrow instead of potato).

pppwwaarrhhh! - sounds great…don’t forget oodles of garlic!