Hi everyone, does anyone have experience with South London Club card? https://www.southlondonclub.co.uk/forest-hill
I just came across it on Facebook and it seems there’s quite a lot of places one can get a discount upon using this card. It costs 15 per year. Anyone has a good or bad experience?
South London Club card

Hi Lenka… I tend to use the Friends of Forest Hill Library card. It gives 10% off a number of Forest Hill establishments and mine gets a good weekly work out at the likes of Ada’s Little Deli, the Archie Parker, Sugar Mountain, the Butchery and used a number of times at local restaurants and bars.
The card cost £30 and monies support our community run library which is largely reliant on donations.
That said, there are a lot more businesses available on the South London card including Geddes Hairdressing which has also recently begun to get my custom and the this card is cheaper starting at £15 per year.
Frankly I have both. But if I had to chose I’d stick with the Friends of the Forest Hill Library. A lot of Forest Hill people supported by Forest Hill businesses went out on a limb to retain the library when it faced closure. For me this is worthy of my support.
Whichever way you go they are both great value and ultimately help support our local businesses.

For me the South London club card is well worth having - the only catch I have found is, once or twice, the small print isn’t updated and you find the advertised discount isn’t available, e.g. at a particular time - I suspect that this is down to the particular business though and so is worth checking with the business before ordering. Where there is a straight discount on goods, which is more common, then this doesn’t seem to be a problem. Then the only issue is remembering to use it!
We don’t spend enough in Forest Hill shops for the library card to pay for itself. YMMV.

Depending on what you use can work out very good - I use it for 10% at Geddes the hairdresser; same at the Catford animal Clinic and get something off the electrician - so it has more than paid for itself.

Hi all, thank you for comments and recommendations and apologies for such a late reply!
I will for sure get it!

Does anyone know if the South London Club Card & Library card are usable for discount over the internet?
If wanting to book an class online.
Would be interested to add to my site if it was possible & affordable.