Are there any forthcoming meet ups or have they now been abandoned?
Next meetup?

The last meetup was really good, so I’ll organise another soon - watch this space.

at Clapton Craft? private event one evening?

All venue suggestions welcome. Where ever we go, it’ll need chairs and a bar where people can buy drinks. Does @ClaptonCraft have an event space?

Hey there everyone,
It’d need a little bit of organisation as we’d have to apply for a temporary on-site drinking license which is easy enough to do, it’s just wait time so knowing well in advance the date would be a huge help.
In terms or bar we’ve obviously got the fridges plus the growler/ bottle fill station which we can dispense from. This also includes wine. I’m knocking up a table next week for one of our in-store tastings so that’s covered.
@anon5422159 how many chairs were you thinking? Maybe we can borrow some from Piazza della Cuccina across the road in exchange for promoting them through the night.
Let me know your thoughts and what an meetup involves. This’d give me a good idea of how to adapt the space to best suit the event.

Thanks for getting back to me, Ben.
Our meetups are very casual affairs, usually 10-15 people. To see some of our past meetups, click: #meetup
Would a couple of weeks’ notice be sufficient?

What about at Cucina (for food) with beer service from Clapton Craft?

This is a good shout. They’re a great option with that bizarrely large terrace space out the back too…

Like the idea of a cucina and Clapton craft pairing… pizza and beer , a winning combination

@PiazzaCucina - would you be able to accommodate a group of 5-20 people (difficult to predict in advance) one evening for an meetup?

@ClaptonCraft - I wonder if we held the meet up in @PiazzaCucina, whether you’d be comfortable providing a bucket of beers + ice, operating on “honesty box” payment (or you are more than welcome to attend and take payment in person, of course)?

No problem Chris. This sounds like an exciting night and a great test bed for many other events like it so I’m more then happy to help. Like starman suggested Cucina for food (plus seating) and Clapton Craft for beer would undoubtedly be the ideal setup.
We could negotiate a BYOB with Cucina or if members would like to move between the two premises then I can apply for a temporary events license which would allow drinking on site. Looking at the .GOV site now, the process takes up to 10 days to be complete so 2 weeks is more then enough time with a bit of leeway.

A bucket of beers + ice would also work for me. I can be at the meetup with enough notice, maybe even have myself and Alex (co-worker) switch in and out through the night. It’d be good for us both to meet as many as the forum as possible as we’re around the Forest Hill store more then any other members of Clapton Craft.

I think this would be a great collaboration, count me in if it goes ahead & I can make the date.
Pizza/Pasta/salad from @PiazzaCucina and beer/wine from @ClaptonCraft
@magse23 was only asking me the other day when the next meet up will be.
Thinking about it it could be anything from 5-20ish people turning up
Poll for dates to see who can come @anon5422159

Any chance of a gin and tonic?

Went to cucina last night (Friday) and happy to say they were comfortably busy which was great to see after the demise of 2 businesses on Perry vale this past month. weekends are busier for them so a week night would hopefully suit them well.

Maybe we can add to this collaboration with @FHGinClub supplying gin and tonics?

Very much depends when you’re all thinking. Need a bit of a rest after Catford Gin Festival. Keep me posted.

New to the forum but looking forward to a locals meet up!

Hi, yes of course we can is a good opportunity for us to support the community, just to let us know in advance, and we can arrange the meeting.

thank you

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