Hello neighbours!
I am a committee member for the Forest Hill Women’s Institute (WI).
We meet once a month and have a wonderful calendar of events throughout the year, where we give our members a taste of different activities, crafts and … fun of course!
We’re in a bit of a pickle for our November 13th meet up, and keenly searching for somebody to help us out with sharing their skill in making Christmas wreaths or other type of festive floristry.
It would only be for about an hour, 8pm at the All Inn One pub…so you can imagine it’s all quite informal and fun.
So if you are interested to share your skill with us, meet a lovely bunch of women over drinks and generate great PR for your work, please get in touch with me!
Many thanks,
Nadia, Forest Hill WI.
Wanted: Flower making skills to share with Forest Hill WI November Meet Up!

Hi Nadia… I know that Lewisham Adult Education has a lot of courses in floristry and gardening, most at their Brockley Rise Centre. Last December I did a great make your own christmas wreath day. The results were amazing.
Maybe if you contact them they can refer you to someone?

great idea @starman - thanks a lot, doing that right now…!

It would be a great way for them to further promote adult education.

yes, definitely… that’s what I’m hoping will appeal to them. fingers crossed

Great thread, that is what a community forum is all about

@starman I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant suggestion. The lady at lewisham adult learning centre is on board and thrilled to be approached to do our WI wreath making. She’d been meaning to meet us for a while, so this was perfect timing : )

Wonderful to hear it. Would you mind asking her a question? I can’t do the make your own wreath course this year, but now that I have I’m spoiled for nice wreaths. Could you ask her if she is producing any herself for sale this year?

Yes, I certainly will…

Hi Nadia, where/how can you sign up for this? I would love to join the workshop if possible but am not part of the WI

Hi @hojo, great to hear you’re interested.
We’re always welcoming guests, so just come along and see what you think, no charge for your first session. We can discuss membership with you when we meet!
WI is every second Monday of the month, 8pm at the All Inn One pub in Forest Hill (behind the station).
The wreath making one is next - November 13th.
Hope to see you there :)

Thanks Nadia, I will be there! Do I have to bring cash/anything for the session?

As there will be 3 big wreaths made in the session we will have a raffle to win them so if you’d like to be in on that, tickets are £1 cash each.
Aside from that, any drinks you want from the bar, but thats just from the pub and they accept card.

Hi @starman , I asked Lynne if she’s producing any wreaths to sell this year, but she’s not I’m afraid. Think she’s pretty swamped by all the classes she’s running!

Thanks for asking. I ended finding a course I could attend. We’ll have to compare results.

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