Worrying latest incident in Honor Oak Road
Police warning and appeal after young girl attacked on Honor Oak Road [man now charged]

Very worrying to have people like this about, especially so close to home. Hope they are caught swiftly.

Yeah - before the Police manage to find the piece of dirt!

Hi everyone, please beware that there maybe more than one predator out on Honor Oak Road. I had a very frightening experience on the morning of 27 Dec whilst walking along HOR in the snow.
This time it was a middle aged white male, large build with grey and brown hair about jaw length. He was in a black saloon / hatchback. He kept pacing me in his car as I started to run he accelerated his vehicle and attempted to get out of the car. I crossed the road and flagged down a car approaching from Tyson Road who rang the police and stayed with me for a long while. I want to thank the couple who stopped to help very much. If you do read this please reply to my note. I was very grateful to God that your appeared at that precise moment. Please be safe on Honor Oak Road, it sometimes gets very quite and isolated and opportunists are trying to take advantage of this!

Thank you for reporting this. I can imagine how frightened you must have been. Hopefully they catch whoever it is very soon so no more young women are intimadated.

Sorry to hear this happened to you – hope you’re OK now.

Glad you are okay.
I would love to bump into an individual like this scumbag as I would want to kick his ass so much, know I shouldn’t but would.
Sorry @SgtBiddle but some are scum & I would confess

If I bumped into this ■■■■ in the street I wouldn’t be able to contain myself for my actions

Longer article. This man really needs to be caught NOW - it’s awful that young girls can’t even walk around their local streets safely. Someone must recognise him?

Shocking that this happened in such a residential location - the junction of Grierson Road and Gabriel Street. Must have been about 20 households looking on at the scene - he is obviously very reckless.

Is there any more detail on what he actually does? Does he try to drag them off, is it a clutch at the chest etc. in passing, is he draping an arm around them? Helpful to know to keep an eye out as assault doesn’t always immediately look like assault to passers-by, and many victims freeze up so may not evince distress.

I’m afraid I don’t know - I was just resharing a leaflet that was posted without further info

One of my contacts on Twitter has arranged a call with the DCI in charge of the investigation. She said that if any forum members had specific questions to the DCI, she could ask them. Do let me know if you have any questions.