Hi all.
Did look in the recommendation pages but couldn’t find one specifically for orthodontist. So, does anyone have experience of using an orthodontist locally and if so, would you recommend? I’m particularly keen to hear from anyone who has had realignment work on their teeth as an adult. Thanks in advance!
Orthodontist recommendations

I’m looking for orthodontist recommendations for my daughter… any good experiences out there?

Presuming you mean more than a dentist. Friends’ girls went to the one in Perry Vale and when one of them needed was referred to an orthodintist in West Dulwich. She got very good treatment but it was announced loudly and quite regularly that appointments for NHS patients could’nt always fit in with the school day when I was with her. Apparently it’s a bit competitative now how fancy your braces look when you are in your early teens. Still have the straws she had to suck through then and se’s now at uniiversity. Miss being Granny on a Thursday.

Yes - I’m in the early teen market. Thanks for the feedback. I’m not yet up on the latest brace fashions, but I’m sure I will soon be an expert and will update all here on the latest fashions.

I am currently using Dulwich Orthodontic centre in West Dulwich. My dentist referred me for invisalign braces. I am very happy with the service and treatment. Obviously as an adult I am a private patient, not sure if they do NHS orthodontics.