Found: kitten / small tabby cat on Sunderland Rd [Reunited]

What a pretty cat. People like you who take in animals in distress renew my faith in humanity.

I think I saw her yesterday morning running around on South Road, at the top. So might be worth knocking on those doors if no one has claimed her yet. Hope she gets home ok!

Could you take the kitten to a vet to see if he/she is chopped with owners’ contact details?

Hi, this looks like it could be the same one I’ve seen around a few times in mid-Sunderland (see attached photo) both on its own meowing furiously on the street and with what I presume is its mother cat in the gardens. Not sure if its a stray family or belongs to someone but seemed relatively healthy.
Either way that stretch of Sunderland on the hill leading up to estate seems the best bet for enquiries/posters.

Ooops! Poor cat! I meant chipped. Although he may have been chopped too

Hi this is my Cat her name is Gino, she seems to have made some cat friends and has been venturing out of her usual zone, she usually come home and meows very loudly to be let in, I was worried that she had been run over thank you for taking her in. Do you have a number I could call so that I can come and collect her? I have another cat that doesn’t venture out at all and I think he has been missing her.

@Sam3452, @Keighley_Carlisle - I have enabled private messaging for you both. Happy that Gino’s owner has been found.