It’s great that Lewisham have green waste recycling bins, but I object to paying extra for it when many other boroughs get them for free.
Does anyone know of alternatives ways to dispose of our grass clippings and pear tree pruning?
I’m thinking community composting of some sort?
Alternatives to a garden waste recycling bin

At the moment we have a small box in our garden for grass clippings - they break down surprisingly quickly.
I like the idea of community composting.
Alternatively, Lewisham Council offers 220L composting bins for £10 and free composting workshops:

Leaves and grass cuttings can be mixed together in black plastic bags and left for two years to make leaf mould. Add some water if the leaves are dry, tie the top of the bag, punch in a few air holes (also good for letting worms in) and throw it into a corner of the garden (mine live behind the shed). When the bag is as flat as a pancake, your leaf mould is ready to spread and dig in as a soil improver or use as a topping mulch.

Grass cuttings will compost down if in a bin, but will form a slimy mess if not mixed with woody matter. So mix grass with lots of scrunched up newspaper, bits of cardboard or shredded tree prunings , though you need a garden shredder for that. You can also use grass cuttings as a thick mulch around the base of Apple and pear trees which I’ve read is good for them. Finally, I have a brown bin and am happy for neighbours to use it if we have not filled it. May be your neighbours would be the same.