Hi there, I’m looking to get a log burner and just wondered if anyone had used RPS Fireplaces before? Many thanks in advance!
Log burner

I am getting one fitted next week but we used Westcombes - really excellent service.

What are your thoughts on the adverse publicity that log burners have attracted lately guys ? I have rather been put off burning logs, but perhaps its not as bas as they are saying ?

It depends on the log burner. Some have very little smoke and particulate impact due to recombination.

A decent article about air pollution and wood burners.

After an hour of mine burning brightly, the dial settled between 41ug/m³ and 43ug/m³ in my sitting room. This is still within “moderate”, but Prof Grigg said you might want to start worrying if you exposed yourselves to long, sustained periods at this level.
So the author is only cornered about his wood burner polluting his own home while it is active. I may as well empty my bin into the Thames and conclude that as my home remains clean, the act is fine to do.

I think in this instant he was looking at his own health so that is the conclusion yes. I am quite shocked you empty your bins in the Thames when Lewisham operates a very good refuse and recycling service.

A quote from the article …
“People should think twice about burning wood because the particle emissions are much higher than using gas or electricity,” Prof Williams said.
The article seems to be saying that when it comes to particle pollution, diesel is still the main culprit but burning wood has an increasingly significant part to play.
That’s what I think the article boils down to, unless I have misunderstood.

Well actually it is worse then that. Particulates from road transport are the third largest source…
Form the governments own report
Emissions from road transport accounted for 14 per cent of PM10 and 13 per
cent of PM2.5 in 2015 and is the third largest source after combustion in
residential, public, commercial & agricultural sectors, and industrial processes.
The contribution from the category covering combustion in the residential,
public, commercial & agricultural sectors has increased over recent years and
peaked in 2013 at 51 kilotonnes PM10 and 50 kilotonnes PM2.5. In 2014 there
was reduced fuel demand in the domestic sector but consumption increased
again in 2015 and estimated emissions from residential, public, commercial
combustion were 48 kilotonnes for PM10 and 47 kilotonnes for PM2.5. Most of
the emissions from residential, public, commercial combustion in these last 3
years – 79 per cent for both pollutants - are from the use of wood as a
domestic fuel.
Personally I will use mine sensibly and rarely and I have specifically got a dual fuel one so that I can burn smokeless fuels - not wood.

If you want to know where you can get the cheapest smokeless coal its possible to get, try these guys.
It comes all the way from Belfast and its cheaper than anything available locally even allowing for delivery charges.
They are super helpful too, once you have got used to the impenetrable Tyrone accent !

Interesting, thanks @Foresthillnick. I own two wood burners, luckily both dual fuel. I wonder how much pollution a normal gas boiler kicks out?

Because gas is … well, a gaseous substance - for a well serviced gas boiler, the particulate emission is negligible.
In fact, these days a modern and well maintained gas boiler provides a surprisingly clean burn.

I’d love a log burner, but like an open fire burning anything other than smokeless fuel, I just think it’s a selfish choice in such a densely-populated area.
Others may say that it’s part and parcel of living in the big city that people will do selfish things, and doubtless some will argue that other things do as much / more harm, but (without wanting to sound holier than thou) I’m happy to go without.

I guess I am lucky to have the space to look at alternatives for heating/light. Ground source heat pumps, air source heat pumps, solar, wind etc. For city living I guess heat source, solar and wind are options.

Does smokeless fuel contribute to the pollution, does anyone know? We have an open fire that was here when we moved in. It’s nice to have a fire on a cold evening but I don’t want to contribute to the air quality problem.

All burning contributes to some soft of pollution so this is a difficult question.
The advantage of wood burning is that it is said to be carbon neutral (it isn’t quite…) but the problem is that it emits particulates which are small particles that cause issues for many people and are said to contribute to a lots of deaths annually.
Smokeless fuel emits much less in the way of particulates but of course burning it releases carbon back into the atmosphere that was previously locked away in the solid fuel.
This image shows particulate emissions from various sources - 8 is smokeless fuel.
Then of course there are other pollutants and other factors do come into play like how efficient your burner is. You also have to bear in mind how much heat is produced per unit of fuel.
If you can wade through this then it might help.

Thank you - I’m going to check them out this weekend! Hope you are happy with the end result : )

This should give some help with the new Euro standards for stoves to meet emission law. http://www.stoveindustryalliance.com/ecodesign-ready-stoves-and-air-quality/

I used installmyfireplace.co.uk last year. They did a really good job. Really good finish.