After much local controversy and a seemingly endless planning process:
Nando’s coming to Sydenham

Happy for sydenham to get it allthough I am not a fan but surely good for that part of sydenham, happy to have well known chains in sydenham and keep Forest Hill occupied by small independent stores

Hahah, good one

There’s surely enough room for a Nandos around here. Better than another nail bar or betting shop

Love me a Nando’s, but it’s a risky business opening up any kind of chicken joint south of the river. Morley’s or Nando’s?

Passed by there last night around 7.30 and it was busy, but noone seemed to be in the local independent shops that seemed to be open at the same time

Sadly I find the UK Nando’s overdoes the chicken. The South African ones are superb. Still, good to see a full shop.

I think they’re different audiences - personally I don’t usually go to smaller shops on a weekday evening, I save that for when I have more time on weekends.

Appreciate your point re: independent shops but I’m struggling to think what independent shops near the Nandos are actually open at 7.30 on a Weds?! Cobbs corner cafe and sugar hill cafe both close at 6pm or earlier and the Greyhound was busy as far as I know Even going further down the high street, on the hoof doesn’t open for dinner anymore and cherry and ice is only that late on weekends. I think it’s a great addition and is different to what independents and the pubs offer. Mama doughs and the taproom at ignition are planned to arrive in the next month or two so all is looking well I feel with the mix Sydenham has re: food/drink places.

Excellent addition to the area.

Anyone notice if the do deliveries?
No delivery (at the moment?) but you can order to pick up off the app or website - looks like anywhere from 15-30 mins depending on how busy it is perhaps.

It’s amazing how Cobbs Corner has suddenly become a buzzing landmark.
To be honest, I thought that all the hoo-ha about saving the Greyhound a few years ago was over-the-top, but I have to admit I got that totally wrong. I love that it’s being so well used and it may well have been the catalyst to attracting Nando’s, which, in turn, will attract more footfall, which will benefit all other traders in the vicinity.

The Greyhound looks SO good as you come round Cobbs Corner. The placement of the conservatory extension is genius, you see the lights twinkling invitingly from inside. The lush planters and trees make their outdoor space really inviting, even against all the traffic.
I noticed today that Nando’s have stylish and muted (grey and cream) signage on the new restaurant - perhaps something people could flag up to Dominos for Honor Oak Park.