Cat found on Perry Rise

Could this be Gino again?
CC @Keighley_Carlisle

I don’t think it’s the same cat… this one is quite big, can’t have grown up that much since the last photos of Gino! Also we are quite a way away from Sunderland or South Rd! But @Keighley_Carlisle if Gino is missing then maybe I am wrong!

Could we visit you to check if this is our missing cat Kaya? She went missing on Wed night from Crofton Park. A bit far, but the car in the picture does look a bit like Kaya.

Yes please do visit! Our two cats are quarantined whilst we try and find owner so sooner the better! What’s your number I’ll text you our address

Thanks so much. My number is 07940443270.

Update - the cat was not Kaya unfortunately, so we are still looking for an owner. Have taken her to the vet and she has no microchip. We will keep her here for a while and try and find the owner but then we will probably have to leave with the vet to look after as she is not getting on with our cats at all.

We are still searching for this lovely cats owner - unfortunately Mayow Vet aren’t prepared to take her and have advised us to just put her outside and shut the door.
We don’t feel happy doing this as we live on a main road and she doesn’t seem comfortable outside - when we try putting her out she meows and scratches at our door.
We aren’t able to keep her here as our own cats are getting very distressed. If anyone in the immediate area (Eg Perry Rise, Queenswood, De Frene) would be prepared to take her in for a day or two while we search for her owners please get in touch. She is the friendliest, most affectionate cat we’ve come across and would be no trouble at all.
We can keep her tonight but if we haven’t found her owners by tomorrow we’ll need to take her to a rescue centre.
Thanks for the help and shares so far!

Would Celia Hammond or Battersea take her?

Hopefully they will… We are keen to keep her in the local area for as long as possible in case her owners come forward but will contact Battersea or CH tomorrow if no luck.

Does she still need a place to stay? Myself and my wife aren’t currently set up for a cat but we’re happy to buy a couple of bits and bobs to foster her for a while.

Hey have tried PM’ing you, let me know on here if you haven’t received! Thanks

No it’s not… We’ve actually requested (twice) that they add a “Lost cat” notice on their Facebook page and they still haven’t.

Maybe speak to Vets4Pets at Bell Green in Sydenham (inside Pets at Home). I find them very helpful and professional and they may point you in a better direction.

Sorry! New user. Have just replied!

People, people
A little caution here is needed.
I have a sense that I am not seeing all the threads or some may have been deleted.
However take care about critical comments where you traduce the reputation of a vet.
They may not have done things as promptly as you feel they should - but without knowing the size of the practice or what kind and volume of business they manage this issue seems very minor.
I am sure people will be upset about a wandering cat or kitten - but that is what cats and kittens do…
The veterinarian will have spent some considerable time building up their reputation and any discussion about boycotting a practice for this reason is disproportionate - and worse, possibly actionable.

Take stock, sit back and then post. You have no idea of the pressure the practice is under. Many have only limited space for strays. Hopefully kitty finds a home.

I know my comment may have come across as unfair, but people do take notice of these things, I didn’t mean it nastily.
They could have offered a bit more nicer advice though. I will delete my post.

No.problem at all. It’s a sad day when we can’t help our animal friends. I just hope he/she finds home or a good home.

I have PM’d you - I think everyone on here would know you did NOT mean it in a nasty fashion.

Hi all,
To update you, we are still seeking her owners. Martin and Judith (@GilPoffo) have kindly offered to look after her for a few days so we can avoid her being permanently re-homed prematurely.
Thanks for the suggestion Rachel - we tried Vets4Pets but unfortunately they don’t have the facility to keep pets overnight.
We really want to reunite this lovely cat with her owner, please all continue to spread the word.
Thanks, Neil

I am confused- the vets could possibly have pointed you in a more useful direction but as it wasn’t microchipped what were they supposed to do? Cats do wander and they are a vet, not an animal sanctuary.

Hi, I noticed a poster on the lamp post outside the Horniman main gates today. Somebody looking for a missing cat that looks just like this one. There’s a mobile phone number under the photo on the poster. Hope that helps!

Sounds promising! Hoping she’s able to be returned home.

Good spot @Howdo. If anyone’s passing the Horniman, please grab a photo of the poster and post it here.

Thanks @Howdo - this was a really useful tip but sadly has not led us to her owner.
The owner of Ziggy (from the Horniman poster) came round this evening and confirmed that despite striking similarities it’s not their cat.
She is now safely with @GilPoffo who will be looking after her while the search continues.
Thanks for all the help so far and please continue to keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you @ Chris, @ ForesthillNick & @anon51837532