If you are thinking about taking a course and need some inspiration we have over 700 part time courses to choose from.
Talk to subject specialists about our courses, take a tour of the creative spaces and enrol for courses starting in January 2018.
There will be free demonstrations and workshops throughout the day, and a selection of hand crafted items, including handmade cards, prints, glasswork, embroidered textiles, upholstery, jewellery and original artwork for sale. An ideal opportunity to purchase a unique gift for Christmas.
Activities include:
1-3pm & 4-6pm - Film studies workshop
1-6:30pm - watercolour and ink demonstrations
1:30-2:30pm & 6-7pm - Philosophy workshop
3:30-5pm - Seasonal floral designs workshop
4:30-6pm - Balloon design demonstration
and more.
Location: Granville Park Centre, 100 Granville Park, Lewisham, SE13 7DU
For more information about our courses and online enrolment: https://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/adult/Pages/default.aspx