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Windmill on Kirkdale - Redevelopment begins

Common sense prevails!
After the Sydenham Society’s ridiculous attempt to have this property listed as an Asset of Community Value back in 2013 it has now found a worthwhile lease of life, which will be a huge improvement for that parade after many years of it looking run-down.
Lewisham’s verdict on the SS’s application -
The evidence provided was insufficient to demonstrate that the asset is currently being used to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. Although the asset is currently used as a public house there was not sufficient information provided to demonstrate how the asset is used beyond being a venue for the consumption of alcohol and activities associated with the consumption of alcohol. No evidence of any other community use of the asset was provided. There is also a question about the financial viability of this asset’s continued use as a public house. The current owners have been marketing the public house since 2008 and have failed to find any brewery or publican interested in acquiring it. No community group has expressed any interest in purchasing or leasing the public house during this period.

Good summary @Anotherjohn - thank you.