My name is Patricia. I’ve been living in London for over a decade (half of it in HOP) but before moving here I lived in France for nearly 4 years. I used to speak French very well but with the lack of practice over the past few years I’m losing my fluency. Hence, I would love to find local people with whom I could practice French language. If you are interested or would like to discuss further please get in touch. Thank you
French Language Conversation

Hi Patricia
I’m keen to brush up my conversational French. How do we message direct on here?

Hi @Delphine. I have enabled private messaging for you and @Patricia.
To send a PM, tap the person and then tap “Message”

Thank you!

Native speaker here, happy to meet up

Hello, I am French and I’d be happy to join in as well.

Hi everyone,
That’s fantastic! I can meet weekdays in the evening or on weekends. Shall we set up a first meeting and take it from there? What about this coming Thursday somewhere in Honor Oak Park? Looking forward to it.
@Chris, thank you for enabling private messaging.

Hello again
@Delphine and I will meet on Wednesday 17 Jan at 6pm in Forest Hill. @Mazz and @MsForetHugel it would be great if you join us

I can make it to Forest Hill shortly after 6pm. Let me know where you would like to meet.
A bientôt et bonne semaine.

Hi all, 6pm is a bit of a tricky time for me due to new baby and OH coming home between 6pm and 6.30pm but I’ll see what I can do Are you planning on eating there ?

We will meet at Dartmouth Arms around 6pm. Hope to see you there

Forgot to say, my name is Elizabeth! See you there.

Bonjour are we meeting again ?

Surely you mean nous reverrons-nous?

@anon5422159, hello! If I’m not enabled for PM are you able to enable me. I’m unable to see the option to message. I realise that I am not verified. Many thanks


I would love to… we can meet at the junction of our streets in hop and exchange numbers? I’m free anytime today and tomorrow

Tu as raison Monsieur Étoile

I think @Delphine was collecting numbers for a Whatsapp group. I’ll PM it to you as I’m out and about today, tomorrow and Wednesday. But free Thursday and Friday.

Hi there, is this group still going on? I’d be interested to join - thanks!

Oui, prochain rendez-vous le 8 février à 18h! Location to be confirmed.

Ah zut! Je serais aux Pays-Bas pour le boulot la semaine prochaine - vous pourriez me dire la date et l’heure du prochain rendez-vous quand cela est décidé? Merci!

Si tu me message je peut te contacter

Ce soir rendez vous au Cherry & Ice à 18hrs.
Cherry & Ice
27 Sydenham Rd, Sydenham, London SE26 5EX
020 8659 9787

Coucou Tu veux dire te répondre comme cela ? Désolée, je ne me suis pas encore habituée au forum !

I have recently moved to the area and was wondering if you were all still meeting as a group? Je voudrais rencontrer avec vous, si c’est possible, et pratiquer parler en francais ensemble.
A plus,

Je suis Anglais mais je pratique jamais en ce moment! Je voudrais rencontrer avec des autres aussi

Moi aussi

Hello! Is this group still going on? I would love to join if it is.

Hello, I am a 34 year-old French woman from Paris. Living in Honor Oak Park near Blythe Hill with my British partner. Many of my French friends have moved back to France and I find myself missing talking to people in French language. Just wondering if there is anyone similar nearby who’d be interested in a chat and a coffee when such things are allowed again.

Hi @Anouch and welcome to the forum.
I’ve merged your posts into this thread.
I suspect the group might have dropped off unless it’s continued over zoom, but with things easign up a great time for it to get started again. I think there are still quite a few french speakers around, and I might try to join this as I want to get my french back up to speed (I was fluent at 14 but that was a few years ago now when I left my Lycee to change to en enlgish section of education), but with kids not sure if time will allow!
I’ve tagged some people in the thread which should pop up when they next log in in case they miss the thread @Patricia @Delphine @MsForetHugel @Mazz @Valerie @Hannah_Lawrence @Forethugel @esther @ucndave @AmandaSE23

Yes the group did drop off Bonjour

I would be interested - despite being born & bred in France until I was 18 … my french isn’t so great anymore so it would be lovely.

Je m’interesse toujours rencontrer d’autres Francophiles mais aussi les parents, mon fils de 2 ans commence d’apprendrer donc je cherche autant d’opportunités pour lui d’entendre la langue

Hi Oakr, thank you and would love to see this group happen again and contribute to it once we are allowed to meet! Side request: would you mind leaving my original post as a separate topic as well? I would like to make French friends in the area, not necessarily as part of a language group, and while I am also interested in being part of a language group I think these are two separate things. Merci!


Bonjour! Cette idée m’intéresse car je vais déménager à Paris en juin, donc j’apprends le français maintenant, mais mes cours sont totalement en ligne une cause de covid… Ma partenaire apprend en ce moment aussi. Si quelqu’un souhaite se rencontrer pour s’entraîner (si possible), nous serions très intéressés! Je pense que je suis autor le niveau B2 actuellement.

Salut Anouch, je suis traductrice près de Blythe Hill aussi. Je suis anglaise mais je bosse en français et mes amis en France me manquent bcp. J’aimerais bien parler en français et prendre un café si ça te dit!

Bonjour Felicity, avec plaisir! Je suis nouvelle sur le forum, je ne sais pas si je peux envoyer des messages privés, veux-tu m’envoyer ton numéro? À bientôt!

Salut! I’d love to join in the french language group! How do I go about doing this?
J’ai étudié le français à l’université, j’ai habité à geneve pendant 8 mois et puis à Paris. J’ai un bon niveau de français, mais pas beaucoup d’opportunité de le pratiquer ni parler.

Je pense que je t’ai envoyé un message direct, mais je ne sais pas si ça a marché !

Je n’ai pas reçu un DM, je peux vous donner mon email si ça marche?

I am not sure how to send a DM, could a moderator help me?

Hi everyone, I’ve created a group DM with everyone woh responded after Anouch’s first message.
Anouch you’ve not been long enough to start DMs, but you should be able to respond to them. However I’ll see if we can enable them for you.
How to send a DM: https://se23.life/t/how-to-send-private-messages/16120

Pardon, j’ai envoyé un message à Anouch !