Forest Hill Cars kindly donate a Christmas Tree for Forest Hill Library again this year

Nice of them, but they’re pretty cheeky plastering their poorly scrawled ads everywhere, particularly the one stapled to the community tree near the station.

I’ve not seen that, but agree it’s very nice of them to donate a Christmas Tree for Forest Hill Library, very much appreciated

Just finished the first lot of Christmas Decorations at the library
Tomorrow evening I’ll be decorating the tree

Just a heads up, the company name is Forest Hill Cars and not SE23 Cabs or SE23 OTH Cabs. Very nice of Mo to do his bit.

VMassive thanks for dropping off an amazing beautiful tree tonight @maurice & gang from Forest Hill Cars.
Gotta do a few bits before I decorate it, so it will be in it’s full glory for opening time at the library on Sunday morning!
Hope you all hold me to that
And on that note has anyone got a saw I can borrow, or even better can come help me to chisel down a tree trunk at 9am at the library tomorrow morning - serial killers need not apply
I’ll manage either way, but a helper would be good

We’re so pleased with the tree we got from them… reasonably priced and looks great.

Massive thanks to John Firmin, vice chair of FH Society & FH Library Management Board Secretary & to @DickWynne for trimming the tree trunk this morning & believe me they both put themselves out to do this, they may think I don’t know this, but I do
AND another massive thanks to John for basically having the tree decorated before I even got to the library tonight after closing & he managed it without the main decorations too
We’ll have a tweek over the next few days, but the tree donated by @maurice from Forest Hill Cars is an absolute beauty, thank you Mo
@Bruceshire can you do your magic & design a poster for the wall by the tree to say it’s been donated by Mo of Forest Hill Cars on Monday please xx