Looking to get a floor lamp repaired locally and hoped someone on the forum might have a recommendation.
Call out electricians are a bit too expensive, but the nearest shop where I drop something off seems to be the other side of Bromley.
Any suggestions?
Archived on 6/5/2022
Where can I get a lamp repaired?

11 Dec '17

11 Dec '17
You could try A C Electronics 76 Brockley Rise, London SE23 1LN. I got a DVD/video machine repaired their recently.

20 Dec '17
Thanks Mathias - great recommendation - they did the job (and were incredibly helpful)!

20 Dec '17
I’ve heard tell of an Eastern chap offering 'new lamps for old ’ at various theatrical venues around this time of year. Sounds too good to be true though.

20 Dec '17
Geni us.

21 Dec '17
well it could be complete nonsense- my source is a bit wishy washy

21 Dec '17
There’s A-lad-in Catford who might be able to help…
(too obvious?)

21 Dec '17
To @ThorNogson
Oh nooo it’s not.
And to @armadillo
Is his shop near that big Puss in Boots