Hi All
I’ve started working on the prep for FHFW 2016.
All local input is very welcome, so please feel free to comment or suggest extra events.
The dates are Thursday 22nd till Sunday 25th September this year.
If anyone wants to add an event, workshop, discount or promotion that ties in please let me know so it can be added to the brochure.
I’ll confirm the preferred venues this week.
We’re advertising it as “Forest Hill Arts” presents “Forest Hill Fashion Week” this year as myself & Emma are in the process of setting up FH Arts & Donald will be involved in this too. We’ll keep everyone in the loop with FH Arts events & progress FYI & also incase anyone wants to be involved in any way.
Here’s my part email to my core team that might be of interest & all are welcome to ge involved in any way if they want too, this is a FREE community event for all 
Events Programme 22nd - 25th September
Thursday 22nd
- Kids cupcake decorating workshop - with Gabi Marx - Sugar Mountain 4-5.30pm - kids
- P2C workshop - with Donald - upstairs at Railway Telegraph or V22 community space - time TBC with Donald - all
Friday 23rd
- Charlie & Choc Factory workshop (exact TBC) - with me and another (TBC) - Sugar Mountain 4-6pm - kids
- As above with linked workshop - Hooray Party Shop - 4-6pm - kids
- Fashion related writing workshop with Maggie Smith -“It’s not just about what you wear, it’s about where you live” - FH library - 7-9pm - adults
- Clothes Swap - with Zoe - The Archie Parker - 6-8pm - adults
Saturday 24th
- Clothes & craft fair - with Solocraft - V22 community space 11-6pm - all
- Catwalk show - with Donald, Pauline, Emma & Zoe & anyone else who can help - marquee - 2pm - all
- Crepe Records set - with Manisha - marquee - 1-2pm & between catwalk shows - all
- P2C catwalk show - with Donald - marquee - 4pm - all
- Kids interior design workshop - with Catherine - library 12noon - kids
- Sweet sixteen almost wrap party - with Trev the DJ - upstairs at The Signal - 7pm onwards - adults
Sunday 25th
- Adults interior design workshop - with Catherine - V22 community space or library 12noon
- Kids Flashmob - with Em & Maria - around FH 12noon
- Kids Charlie & choc factory party - marquee - 1- 4pm
- Kids Catwalk Show - marquee 2pm
- Golden ticket trail - extension of the Flashmob
Pre launch FHFW Saturday 17th September
- Live music by TBC & performance by Gems PA - stations forecourt 1-3/4pm with brochures being handed out
- Some kind of wacky/random/in your face art work/something similar advertising FHFW displayed around FH - exactly what & where TBC
Brochure extras - we also need to get someone to design the brochure
- Golden tickets hidden randomly in brochures offering something free from participating shops, keeping this to 5 tickets per shop
- tear off golden ticket in all brochures offering a 10% discount in participating shops to be used during FHFW
Something we forgot to add was a workshop/ rehearsal for the Flashmob, shall we do this on Friday evening 6-8pm at RYC with Em?
Also I’ll send a traders email asking if anyone wants to add their own event/workshop that’s fashion related during the running of FHFW to be added to the brochure.
Other stuff we need to think about/decide on are:
- Patch it up - This will be at The Archie Parker - time, date & details TBC - adults
Website & Social Media
- Website - I’ve spoke to Sol (web developer) & he’ll take on the running of the website as Sareta has got a new job which means she’s mega busy, but she’ll still be in the loop. Sareta I’ll send an email to both you & Sol tomorrow to arrange a suitable time to share passwords etc
- Facebook - Pauline & Em to carry on with this
- Twitter - Pauline, Em & Zoe to take on this
- Instagram - I’ll set up a new one & share passwords with Em & Zoe to share doing this. John let me know if you want to share doing this too, so you can get pics out straight away
Manisha, are you okay playing the slot I have put in for you, also goes without saying you’re more than welcome to have a stall at both the catwalk show & the clothes & craft fair & be one of the designers in the catwalk show.
Benjamin Mathews (local estate agent) is happy to do a brochure drop to 10,000 homes in FH so it will be advertised well locally, we’ll add him as a sponsor for this.
If anyone thinks anything needs changing or added please let me know ASAP.

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