Wall art in Forest Hill

Very nice, but does that mean we’ve lost our pseudo-Banksie telephone? Or is that another wall?

No the telephone is still there, this is another wall, the one more uphill.

Nice to see a splash of colour.
I was in Shorditch the other evening, and have to say there is wall art on every corner now. Really changes the feeling of an area.

That’s good, I’m very fond of that telephone! Does anyone know who did it?

This is part of the street art for @HornimanMuseum Brazillian festival coming up until September

Oooh I do love a bit of street art.

Wonder what it is mean to represent?
“The siren-call of #brexit hides a storm that threatens to sink house prices”?

Should rephrase to “promises to sink house prices” - not a threat but a benefit, in my opinion! (off-topic ranting over, I promise!)

Ah, but that’s the thing with sirens, they were beautiful yet dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices, only to have them shipwreck.

Hi all,
So glad you like Derlon’s street art! Derlon is a Brazilian Street Artist and his work is quite incredible. This painting is a mermaid holding the sun… feel free to interpret that how you want!
Pauline is right, it is to celebrate our Festival of Brasil this summer. There will be more Brazilian Street Art going up over the next few weeks around Forest Hill and at the Museum - you can read all about it (and download the map to find the rest of the artworks) here: http://bit.ly/BrasilStreetArt

Thanks for the info @HornimanMuseum
Looking forwards to seeing more of this

Great to have your input @HornimanMuseum. Like @anon64893700, I hope to hear more from you around the forum.

Hi all,
Just to let you know - there will be more Street Art happening over the next week.
This Sunday - 3 July - we have artists at the Museum for our Festa Julina event. They will also be painting at the Museum on Tuesday 5 July. Then they will be painting around Forest Hill on the 6 and 7 of July.
Make sure you keep an eye out for them, say ‘Hi’, take pictures and enjoy the artwork!

So glad this wall has been brightened up as it was a bit of an eyesore before
Cheers for this @HornimanMuseum

The piano looks amazing - I love how the design puddles down onto the ground.

They look fantastic, really makes FH stand out.

I absolutely LOVE the piano

So glad you like the Street Art. I will feed this back to the organisers and artists.

Eu gostei!

You can see that someone’s already made a start with the “Banksy” telephone!

Totally agree with you, it’s a real eyesore!
But we can’t get rid of the Banksy phone @RachaelDunlop really likes it & I agree it is pretty cool

Anyone touches our faux Banksy, they’ll have me to answer to.

it should totally be incorporated into something spectacular …

We need to find out who done the Banksy phone & ask them to do the whole wall, incorporating it of course!
Does anyone know who done this?
I can email a few street artist to ask if anyone knows, but other than that I don’t have a clue who done this

I’ve noticed the look of other areas locally really improve with street and shutter art.
Is there any way we as a community could make this happen. The wall next Paddy Power is particularly bad. More shutter art would also be great for the area. Maybe FHS?
It’s all a relatively easy low cost way of improving the area.

Ah that just reminds me I need to send a traders email about an initiative FH Soc are willing to put in place for more shutter art

I could see if any fellow Havelock Walkers fancy taking this on?

Did anything happen re: FoSo initiative for shutter art ?

I noticed what I think might be a Nathan Bowen painted here.
Does anyone know how long it’s been there? I think it’s probably best viewed from outside the Capitol.