Hi all,
Not sure what to do. We live on an L&Q estate and for as long as we’ve been there the street lighting has been poor / not existent. It’s made the estate a real magnet for flytipping. I’ve been on at them for years and been fobbed off. It’s not so bad in the summer but in winter it’s actually quite dangerous, as it’s very dark, and lots of detritus lying around because of the flytipping. Who should I be contacting now? The estate used to be owned by Lewisham but was sold in a stock transfer. Is this something the Safer Neighbourhood Team could help us with?
Any / all suggestions welcome!
Advice needed on getting housing association to fix poor lighting

What do you mean by street lighting? Are these street lights on public roads?
If not then I would attempt to escalate through either your landlord or freeholder (depending on if you rent/own) to the managing agent.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear. L&Q are the housing association and responsible for the public areas on the estate e.g. paving and lighting. The estate is made up of a mix of freeholders and tenants. Both groups have complained to L&Q about the lights. Does anyone know if there are minimum safety standards in regards to lighting that housing associations must meet? Feel very frustrated as have been ignored for so long by L&Q. Thanks.

It’s not a public road but it is a public right of way…

Try to go through the official copmlaint procedure. It seems those managing agents are sensitive to the complaints addressed via theirs official complaint procedure channels. Do you have TRA? Try to contact them. Very often the manging agents will bounce you off if the responsibility lays on Lewisham Council. If it is the case, contact Lewisham Council via official channels and if not resolved - compaint department. Those people dont understand what normal human relationships are, they only move if some sort of official complaint actions in place. Do not give up, that what they are aiming for - throw stupid answers at you to the point when you no longer want to deal with them. It is their tactics.