We had 2 prints delivered to our house today which DPD left in our porch (sent the pic to confirm). When we got home this evening the box was no longer there so we think it’s been stolen. We intend to report to the police but if anyone saw someone carrying a parcel similar to this would be grateful for any reports we could pass to the police.
Stolen prints

I should have added, we’re on Rockbourne Road.

I’d also be on to the delivery company for leaving them in such a risky place.

Assuming the delivery was arranged by the retailer, it’s on them. They have an obligation to deliver it to you. It’s not your problem if the courier was negligent as it is their agent, not yours.
When I’ve had this happen, I’ve pointed that out to retailers and offered to provide a stat dec to confirm I hadn’t received it. Most reputable merchants will take it up with the couriers, but if they dig their heels in I can give you the legalese blurb I give them if it helps.

Thanks faerycatmother for the offer of assistance. The other half is dealing with the police and delivery company. With a crime number we will be in a stronger position
I know my attempt for witnesses to the event or someone trying to flog them is likely to be fruitless, but thought it was worth the effort just in case.

I know you have reported as a crime as lost but where did you get the Zebra print from? Really lovely and bit different.

What if the person left instructions with the delivery company to leave it on the porch if they weren’t home (which is why they took a picture as proof when delivering)

The Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

Thanks all for comments around the point of leaving the prints where they were. To clear it up, my other half ticked the ‘leave in a safe space or with a neighbour’ box. Therefore we are likely to be liable for it, although the interpretation over ‘safe space’ is open to interpretation and could be challenged. However don’t need any assistance with that given my profession, thanks.