I’ve just driven down Church Rise near the junction with Gaynesford Road and saw a black short haired cat with an extremely badly injured back paw limping along. It looks like it’s been caught in a trap or something and looks horrendous. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop then and there but have just reported it to the RSPCA - they can’t do anything unless someone else rings with an exact location that they can go to but my call has been logged. Please if anyone sees this poor cat call the RSPCA and if there was any chance of keeping it somewhere until they sent someone that would be brilliant.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Badly injured cat Church Rise

1 Feb '18

1 Feb '18
Thanks for reporting this @Alex18 - I have shared on our social media channels. Fingers crossed someone is able to take in this poor cat. It’s going to be on my mind all day.

1 Feb '18
There’s a good chance the cat was heading home. If you see it and are able to get hold of it, check first for identification so you can contact the owner.
If it has no id (many cats don’t these days as they are chipped although mine have always had name tags with my number on) and you are able, take it straight to your nearest vet. Only call the RSPCA if, like the OP, you are unable to stop or get hold of the cat.

1 Feb '18
Thank you both- I’ve had another drive round but no luck spotting it again.

1 Feb '18