Archived on 6/5/2022
Dartmouth Road Is Open For Business

2 Feb '18
Banner looks fantastic @Pauline

2 Feb '18
But where does it say PARK YOUR CAR NEARBY FREE FOR 2 HOURS?
Sorry to bang on again but this forced situation could be the thing that gets people to start and, hopefully, continue to use this facility which will help the viability of the town centre in the future.

2 Feb '18
Is parking validation a thing? As in you need to visit shops to have your (free) parking validated?

3 Feb '18
No Starman, both Perry Vale and Sainsbury’s car parks have a 2hrs free button.

4 Feb '18
It was fantastic this weekend. Aga’s was chocca when we went there and it was no nice to walk down the street without all the cars.

4 Feb '18
Ahm I thought that was for the duration if the roadworks only.

4 Feb '18
No Starman, it’s there for as long as it’s being used. So, USE IT OR LOSE IT!