Has anyone noticed, and does anyone have any information on, a white transit van which has been parked at the entrance of Sunderland Road (as you come off the South Circular) for about 2 months now and doesn’t appear to have moved. Reg no. FY04 ZWH. It’s back right wheel is parked on the curb, it is untaxed, and the back door handle is broken. I think it’s been abandoned and have reported it to the Council but it doesn’t appear anything has been done about it.
Potentially abandoned van on Sunderland Road

Just checked that reg and it is taxed until March 1st.

I live on Sunderland Road so walk past this every day. There’s also the trailer behind it (you can sort of see it in the pictuire) that’s been left there for months and months… I think almost as long as I have lived there (2 years).

I’ve found that it takes the council quite a few months to remove abandoned vehicles. If it’s taxed, they may not have grounds to do so. But there should be a ticket slapped on it for the on-kerb parking.

If the petrol cap has been removed then the council will act immediately as it constitutes a danger. Our road used to be a dumping ground and it took ages to get vehicles removed until we were told that when calling the council we should mention the petrol cap was remove. In every instance the vehicle was gone within 24 hours.

so if someone else (unknown) were to go and remove the petrol cap, and then you saw it was abandoned, you could report it as being dangerous…?

And if you saw them stealing the petrol cap you could report that, too,

Is it worth reporting on Fix My Street? Or is it too early?

Or you could have sworn the petrol cap was missing, damned eyesight is not what it was

Blimey it’s done 214,000 miles - maybe it’s knackered and has decided to have a rest.

The trailer has been there for long and it was stripped of the wood but the trailer frame is there but I think the own should have removed this as it’s not far for council

I think they have enough on their plate. Council is quite good at this when spurred on i.e petrol cap removed.

I have also noticed there’s now a cable from the trailer looped onto a nearby post in the ground. Not sure how long that has been there… also not exactly sure how this would stop someone from moving/taking the trailer as the cable can just be lifted straight off the pole!!

Next month we’ll have lived in Sunderland Road for two years. That trailer was there the first day we moved in.

Hi all gd afternoon happy pancake day to you all not sure what is happening in Sunderland road dumped van. The trailer. And the 2 single mattress I see that was there yesturday was burnt this morning

We can’t possibly know whether the mattress dumpers were Lewiham residents - but if they were it is an utter nonsense to do this.
Lewisham offer a free mattress collection.to borough residents that works perfectly well.

If people don’t know about a large item collection policy already and it’s not being actively communicated by the Council to local residents then I doubt that the residents will search for it, especially when you see so much fly tipped rubbish around.

Van is gone.

Obviously waited for snow so that it could be nicked under cover.

Your trailer’s gone.