Does anyone else seem to have mail going missing atm? In the past fortnight two lots of important legal documents (from two different senders) have failed to arrive. Faintly unnerving and there doesn’t seem to be a way to flag it up to Royal Mail anyway…
Missing Mail

Over a year ago we were having losses out of the Catford RM depot. No idea whether Forest Hill RM has any problems.
Over last few months we have had “sign-for” items simply pushed through the letter box - RM cannot possibly track and trace these items in these circumstances.
You can raise it with the on-site depot manager and escalate on the Royal Mail site.
One of our losses was when postie did not bring recorded delivery item on his rounds and left a card - and when we went to retrieve it from depot it was not to be found.
PS request that your sender send the Track and Trace number to you so that you can provide that data when you make complaint.

I have noticed a lot of temp staff out delivering recently, not in uniforms etc. Maybe this has something to do with it. Not suggesting it is being nicked, more mis-delivered.

I have also had more misplaced mail recently and this week my copy of ‘the week’ hasn’t arrived. Always on Friday. Fingers crossed for next copy tomorrow otherwise shall have to make complaint to someone…

Ooh, we sometimes get a copy of ‘This Week’ instead of our neighbours five doors down (same last digit in the house number). I pop it through their letterbox when passing. I wonder if it’s you! Didn’t see it this week, though.

Purely judging on the back of comments and pics in other threads I highly doubt you are on my road, especially as strictly speaking I am in Sydenham (seeing the Kirkdale discussion in another thread) . but my number is 6… well I hope someone nice is enjoying my copy, although if they were that nice they would probably pass to rightful owner like you do!

I wonder if This Week are guilty of poorly printing their address labels, then. Otherwise it’s an odd coincidence that I’m getting misdirected ones and yours is missing!

Guess what just arrived with a pile of other post today. Perhaps a backlog or they are stockpiling.

I no longer believe they deliver to every address every day. I live in a house with four flats and one letterbox. The first flat home sorts the mail out. Post does seem to arrive in waves every third day or so. Of course, it could be entirely coincidental as post volumes drop but I’ve had first class items take a day or so longer than expected.
I don’t think I’ve had any missing though.

I think I could well be missing some mail as yesterday I got a final reminder for two bills without ever getting the initial bill.

Oh I’ve been missing very important mail too. Thankfully I got the final reminder via email.

We were the last drop on our posties round so seemed to get all the mail that he hadn’t delivered so I got to do it for him.

About 2 months ago we had a big problem with missing mail and my wife went to the FH sorting office an, very politely, asked whether they had a problem. The man on the desk said they were short staffed so were doubling up on rounds and that although ours wasn’t being done every day but he would look in the office to see if they had anything for us. About 2 hours later a postman arrived at our door with a huge stack of (mostly junk) mail and some guff about it having fallen down the back of a cupboard.
It seemed fine after that until last week when the Radio Times (our barometer of efficiency) wasn’t delivered so perhaps we should try visiting the sorting office again.