Be careful out there on your way home. Some of the footpaths in Forest Hill are quite slippery. I can only imagine what they’ll once it starts to freeze!
Footpaths in FH a bit slippy

You folks that get out of the office before 7pm! So jealous!

some of us get into the office at 07.30

A reminder to clear the footpaths around your property if you can - but only if you can salt the surface after your cleared the snow. Otherwise you are just creating black ice! Hopefully the gritters will cast their spread wide enough tonight to include the footpaths.

Is it a long walk home from St. David’s?

If only! I miss the days when I could work from their basement.
I’m currently in the square mile, which is such a heat bubble nearly all the snow melted

Must say the ride home was a bit bum twitching too. But the pavements didn’t look good, that’s for sure.

Pavements are patchy throughout.
Where the sunshine has reached pavements, they are virtually dry - whereas on others, snow has been compressed and is already hard ice.
My patch - sorted - and salted.
PS: Gritters - what gritters ?

The footpaths along Dartmouth road are a nightmare - with everyone being funneled round the road works, the snow has already been trampled down into a solid coating of ice

The shipman road mugging bypass was a laugh, avoid if possible. At least the ice might keep the muggings to a minimum!

Taymount rise is tretcherous! As was London Road.
Why aren’t the council gritting?
We’ve been warned of this for days.

I think they are gritting, but as we have discovered before different roads have different priorities. And with ever smaller budgets etc, I get the impression less and less roads make the grade. Even ones with gradients like that.
I could be wrong of course but there has definitely been quite a bit of gritting done throughout Lewisham

This is when I miss living in Germany. Everyone responsible for their bit of footpath outside house and it was taken v seriously as well. Remember mother telling me to get out to clear path asap as neighbours had done it twice and us only once.

This is something @RachaelDunlop mentioned in another thread recently. Very worthy thing to do, and would always do this if required. Sadly lots of the newer folk around here don’t seem to want anything to do with neighbours.

This seems a bit uncalled-for and off-topic, and I am going to call you out for it - I’ve seen no correlation between length of tenure and friendliness / neighbourliness in my 18 years in the hood. Are you maybe thinking of some specific neighbours who aren’t very neighbourly?

Was just a general observation based on my experience and interactions with people locally, and in response to Sgc commenting on missing living in a place where this was the done thing.
Sorry if it offends, but it is my perspective of how things have changed in my local community.
PS been here 37 years if that is relevant.
Anyway, like you say, back on topic eh

Nice dump of snow over night and the roads and pavements look deadly.

Looks pretty, but can see it being “chaos” as usual.

Swept and salted a second time.
Lowest temp overnight was -9°C and is now at -8.7°C on a rising thermometer.
Is there another belt of snow on its way ?

@armadillo - not sure if the pic is a live shot or something from stock.
But that looks like compacted ice/snow on both rails.

Trust me - I don’t stand around on train platforms at 6:50 in the morning to then use a stock photo - although I should be flattered that you think it might have been…
…no, that was taken using my iPhone moments before I jumped on that very train, did a quick edit to improve composition and lighting tone before uploading to this site - and then arrived at London Bridge about 5 mins later than scheduled - which I’ll take as a Network Rail win!

I slid home

194, 450 and 202 all diverted up perry Rise. Very slow going.

Hurrah. More snow!

I walked to work in the end and I still beat the bus. The south circ was ok but Lordship lane was a complete bust and it caused tailbacks all the way back round the SC. Lorries, busses and cars at a complete standstill.
The 176 had no service on the Next bus app and the 185 was on diversion and it was pretty out so… my name was walker!
Paths were ok but it is going to be mare on the way home once it freezes over… Tomorrow could be worse.

Friends in SE22 are reporting chaos but it doesn’t seem so bad on the Sydenham side of SE23. The 450, 202 and 194 are all still running up Mayow Road, diverted off Sydenham Hill yet my son made it to school in Streatham this morning with little difficulty, even up the hill at Crown Point. All of which suggests Southwark may have been a bit lax in their gritting, while Lewisham and Lambeth did better.
I’ve been out this morning to clear the fresh snow and chuck about a bit of salt. What’s nice is the number of people who stop to thank me for clearing the path.

Didn’t ride in today Nick? I am disappointed lol
Worst of the snow has passed for the daytime now, the rest is skirting above London for now. Now to see what the cold can do in regards to freezing it all up again.
Meanwhile, the roads are still full of clowns who can’t clear cars properly.

Council vehicles have been out dumping heaps of grit hither and yon. Presumably the street cleaners will be round to get it spread on the pavements soon.

I wish I had now but so many drivers (myself included) how cant drive properly in the snow. Did you? The SC was pretty clear but side roads were a lottery.
Just saying the same to someone here - piles of grit by FS Station and other places… thought of nicking some for my road

Naaa, gave it a miss today, rode yesterday, but too much still on the roads this morning to even try. I did spot some brave souls though.
As for the grit, I saw the same as Rachael and thought the same as you lol.
Saw it being put out by the vans, and a few sweepers scattering it, but wondered how long it would be before someone swiped a load of it.

Swept and salted for third time.
Perhaps prematurely - but had to get BH out to her cab.

Actually quite impressed this morning. The street sweepers were out with grit in their bins and were salting away. Spoke to the guy doing the stretch outside the Fire Station and he said they were working their way around the South Circ. Pretty clear round the station and up the Horniman Hill as well.

I was pleasantly surprised as well. Didn’t have any problems getting to/from the station. Unlike Camden where I work which can be difficult to navigate

Finches sell those nice shoe grippers, perfect for winter pavements.

My wellies were used for the first time outside the garden and brought me all the way into work in super comfort and grip! Apart from a 15 minute delay to the train, all was fine coming into work. Can’t say the same for my colleagues, though… there’s only about 50 people here out of 200!

I bought shoe grippers after the 2010 Snowmageddon. Simple, cheap and hugely effective.

I also have a set but opted for the wellies this morning instead… don’t think my work shoes would have coped with the wet…

Very nice, similar to the Windy app.

I do like that site - great fun…Looks like we may get a bit more splodge today…

A story of fortitude and determination from Ireland.
There must be a some local heroes worthy of mention - care to nominate a few ?
I am not sure where @Foresthillnick works - his bus-beating journey of a few days ago has merit.
A little more historic - but I know care-givers who travel from household to household several times a day looking after their clients are more than worthy of mention.

No one and nothing stops an Irish Mammy doing what needs to be done.