No waste collection due to weather conditions

What rubbish!
I hope there’s an interim collection. For us today is black bin day.

Harrumph. I have a large item collection due today.

Hmmmm… handy excuse… I can’t see them having any “spare” time to do a collection later in the week.

On the one hand, running the refuse vehicles would help break up the snow on the roads. On the other hand, it’s not a day you’d want to manoeuvre around one on a side road.

And the weather is potentially going to be worse tomorrow and Friday.

Aah we were dreading this… black bin day here too and they are full to the brim ! I’m so glad we recently changed to reusable nappies otherwise…

You can leave securely bagged rubbish beside the bins and it will be collected. Hopefully the cold will keep the smell down!

It’s just a bit of snow. Bunch of snowflakes! * * * *

Walk a mile in someone’s shoes before you choose to criticise them.

Didn’t mean to criticise our hard working waste collection teams - just commenting on the nature of snow.

Naturally - I think I can see that.

No collections today either… wonder when they WILL come and collect them? I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t be until normal day next week and then they’ll probably refuse to collect the black bins.

No, walk a mile in someone’s shoes and you are a mile away from them. And you have their shoes!

I just want to thank our local postie. Always, as ever, in storm, sleet and snow …I get my post. And those other poor buggers delivering for other websites in vans…still managing to get up our steep hill and deliver. They are hard pressed and probably stressed and are wonderful.

Maybe add stupid to the list, anyone driving ( non essential travel) on icy roads without winter tyres should get their insurance revoked and their license taken fir two month

…and perhaps with a pair that is a poor fit ?

Perhaps winter tyres are only necessary for Scandinavian type winters, where snow is a permanent winter feature at several centimetres thick.
A mature approach to training with some mandatory lessons for driving in mild winter scenarios such as we have here in London would be more appropriate.
It is fairly simple - a light touch on throttle and brakes with low speeds gets you there. Modern vehicles have all sorts of traction control options.
Indigenous wildlife charging at you here in London is as of nothing compared with deer, reindeer and moose in other climes.

Winter tyres are a bit of an extreme expense for use maybe once every five to eight years. You need to store them, swap them out, and not use them after the ice has gone because they tear up the roads. In countries where they are routinely used, car dealers and garages provide storage for out of season tyres.

I am not saying that everyone should have winter tyres my point is that cars without proper equipment should not be allowed on the road in certain conditions, you are not allowed to drink drive because it does impact on your driving so how is it acceptable to allow driving in certain conditions which might cause a bigger risk.
Do t even start me on news features off people stuck on motorways for 12 hours, they had plenty off warning yet put themselves in that position and we all pay for their rescue

Money could be spent to equip ambulances, police and waste collection vehicles plus buses with winter tyres if not already

The last time they needed winter tyres was 2013. Can’t really see the business case for it if they are used for a week every 5 years. I mean, emergency vehicles yes. But garbage collection and everyone else probably not.
And they did leave those people on the motorway over night. We didn’t really pay to have them rescued.

And again:
However, a follow up has been posted:
So, probably will be Wednesday when they catch up… (i.e. normal collection day).

I’ve been out in the car this morning. Most of the roads where I am are fine, including side roads. I did have a small issue with having to de-ice the car again after it had been parked for a while, though. Freezing rain is a nasty business.


In the “Stolen Shoes - Low Mileage” section.

I really do hope they ‘catch up’ as the bins are already over-full after a couple of weeks. I’m not sure if we could last a whole month… might have to drive to the tip if they don’t…

“If the weather improves, we will start emptying missed bins from Monday 5 March, alongside normal collections.”
Does this mean they will make additional collections, or that they will collect additional rubbish on regular collection days?

If they are starting the week over, it would probably make sense for them to empty all colours of bins this week on collection day, regardless of whether it’s a ‘grey bin’ week or not. This would probably be logistically simpler than sending out lorries on the off chance that people’s missed bins are still sitting out on the pavement.

You’re probably right, but a clear announcement would be helpful. I don’t know whether to leave my bins on the kerbside or to move them out of the way until my regular collection day.

Good point - I’ve asked them via Twitter for a clarification on when we should put our bins out.

I saw somewhere (Twitter? can’t remember) that they will start collecting everyone’s bins on Monday.

Since they can’t do everything at once

I was pleasantly surprised to see that our black bin was emptied today, when we normally have a collection on Wednesday. Particularly impressive given that the refuse collectors ventured onto our driveway to get the bin, which doesn’t normally happen.

OH advises that the black bin has been emptied and that the green and food bins were moved into the street ready for collection when he arrived home a wee while ago.
We’re on Sunderland

Unfortunately though green bin and food bin still not emptied.

Does anyone know if they are collecting all black bins meant to be collected last week? Getting to the point of overflow tonight…

They still haven’t got our black bin. Reading on here people getting theirs picked up early for this week? I’ve got no hope they know what they are doing.

Ours hasn’t been collected either. Walked past David’s road this morning and outside the nursery, the black bins are overflowing onto the pavement and smell awful.

Our black bin was emptied yesterday & the others this morning. We live in Kilgour Road, off of Stondon Park

Looks like a well done Lewisham council then!

Yay, we are all up to date on our bins!

Our green/grey bins were finally emptied today, which is normal bin day. So, a week late… or a week missed depending on how you look at it.

Fair play to Lewisham: this week all our bins bar the grey one were collected on their normal day, and the grey one a day later. This suggests they prioritised getting the backlog of grey bins cleared for those who missed their collection last week.
I had a large item collection cancelled last Wednesday due to the snow. It was rescheduled for this coming Saturday, but they were able to collect my items on their regular Wednesday route so I’m all up to date already.

Did you get a response?

I’m afraid I can’t remember now.

Oh, I thought Twitter was a permanent record unless deleted.

It is but it’s quite a while ago now and finding the tweet and whether or not I received a reply would take quite some time (I tweet a lot, there would be a lot of content to trawl through). Twitter search functions don’t work terribly well. If you have a reason for wanting a definitive answer I’m happy to check for you.

I have an interest in how local democracy works,and whether other residents experience being ignored by the Council, as I do.

Okay, so I’ve checked (having just discovered Twitter Advance Search). They did indeed respond, although not to me directly, but within the thread in which I had first tweeted (if that makes sense). In other words, several people asked questions in response to Lewisham’s initial tweet. They answered all those questions within the thread but did not tag everyone in the thread with every answer. Which is why I didn’t remember getting an answer and didn’t post the answer here.