Archived on 6/5/2022

Anyone have an old computer keyboard?

4 Mar '18


Does anyone have on old mechanical style keyboard cluttering up a cupboard that they don’t want any more?

My wife is doing a ‘Spring’ cress growing project with the kids that she child minds after school, and I thought it would be cool do the ‘cress growing in a keyboard’ trick… it’s what any responsible adult teaches young children right??

Unfortunately, our hardware is of a specific ‘fruity’ nature - so none our old keyboards are suitable. Looking for something similar to the below (minus the cress).


4 Mar '18

At the library there are a few old keyboards with illegible keys that have been replaced by keyboards where you can see the letters. So there are a few that will likely never be used again. But don’t just take the ones plugged into the computers :grin:
Let me know by email if you want to pick some up -

4 Mar '18

Sounds perfect - will drop you an email now.

Many thanks!

3 May '18

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