There seems to be an on going problem with transport links at Forest Hill in that engineering works is just about every 2nd weekend. We are always fed the same old story that Christmas is the only time that Network Rail can do engineering works. Does any one know why the Forest Hill line is continually blighted with engineering works. On Saturday 3rd March and Sunday 4th March there were no train services and the station staff had no idea where the Rail Replacement buses were leaving from due to Dartmouth Road closed for road works. A lead a lot of walks for Rambling groups and it has become increasingly harder to get out of Forest Hill to meet groups on time.
Transport palaver

As far as I remember from other threads on the subject, there are two main issues: that we are often subject to closures because of Crossrail work; and Network Rail have brought forward planned improvement works on our stretch because of the recurrent sink holes (please someone correct me if I am remembering this wrong.
I suspect the replacement buses have been thrown into chaos by the closure of Dartmouth Road.
For forward planning of events and meet-ups at FH, have you had a look at the TfL list of planned closures for the next six months?

Thanks for getting back to me. I suppose the years of neglect on the line is an admission of failure, shame commuters on the line were not spared from high fare increases until all sorted out.