Does anyone know the reason for the chronic water leak issues on Manor Mount? We’ve only been here for less than a year and seen Thames Water working there multiple times only for it to spring a leak soon afterwards. On Saturday evening there was also a leak on Honor Oak Road where it meets Manor Mount.
Water leak on Manor Mount

Victorian pipes. Break easily and would cost trillions (literally) to replace them all so the water companies use a sticking plaster approach.

There are pre-Victorian pipes in this area and yes they break easily. It would not cost trillions to replace them though - a ridiculous suggestion, literally.

With 13,000 miles of pipes under London alone so less ridiculous than you would suggest.

A little off topic I know, but kinda relevant. This media release from 2012 has some astonishing figures in it!!
Leakage reduction activities between 2004, when leakage levels peaked at 946Ml/d, and 2010
reduced leakage by 276Ml/d.

I had a look in their website about pipe replacement work and it looks like Honor Oak is on the list for the next cycle of replacements – not sure this would cover Manor Mount though.