Archived on 6/5/2022

Myself and Michael need an excuse to hire a bouncy castle

14 Mar '18

Hi All

We have a little funding left over from the D Rd Street Party pot.

Enough to pay for a bouncy castle again as it was an amazing hit with the local kids.

Myself & @Michael think this is the best way to spend this little bit of money left over so all suggestions welcome for an event or for us to help with a local event.

If you want us to create an event please give us a week or so before we think about it.

P :slight_smile:

19 Mar '18

Excellent idea Pauline. The free bouncy castle was a big draw (probably the biggest draw) at the street party. The weather was lousy, the roadworks weren’t finished, and the farmers’ market stalls weren’t there, but there was a constant stream of people bringing their kids to the bouncy castle.

A free bouncy castle seems a surefire way to attract people to an event. Hope someone organising a worthy event takes up your offer (and preferably in the vicinity of Sugar Mountain :yum:).

19 Mar '18

Myself & @michael will have a look at the logistics to organise a Summer Street Party in the future.

Watch this space :slight_smile:

18 May '18

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