Hi everyone,
I’ve been investigating fibre broadband to the houses served by Cabinet 31. That’s some of the houses in Ebsworth Street, Bovill Road, Herschell Road, Garthorne Road Whatman Road and Brockley Rise.
Cabinet 31 needs to be upgraded for us to be able to get fibre broadband. Openreach, the company responsible for this, does not believe it is commercially viable to do so. In such cases, they offer a scheme called a Community Funded Partnership (CFP). This enables communities to club together to pay for their cabinet to be upgraded, so that they can all access fibre broadband. This would be £4,684. The more households who join the partnership, the lower each contribution becomes. There are 450 households connected to Cabinet 31, so if we all contributed, it would cost around £10 each to upgrade it to fibre.
I’m about to post a letter through the door of each affected household, to ask if this is something you’d be interested in supporting. If this is something you would be interested in, or you have questions, please drop me a line at robkiddlondon@gmail.com. This doesn’t commit you to anything – it just helps me to see if there’s enough interest among our neighbours and that the issue is worth pursuing.