Dominos planning meeting rescheduled

Is there much point going if all concerns are ruled out of order?

By a large attendance, I’d like the council to know that ruling our concerns “out of order” will have an impact on the council on May 3rd and that their hubris is misjudged.

From your knowledge of planning meetings etc @Michael, does the wording of the letter mean there will be no opportunity for the locals to express their concerns on the changes? Or merely that at this point, the matter being discussed is purely the physical appearance of the building?

That depends how it is run by the planning officer.
I’m not sure it is right to run such a meeting when there is effectively no local councillor to participate (rather than waiting two weeks).
The letter is right in stating that they are not able to consider issues other than frontage in the application, but that should not mean that such discussion is disallowed in a local meeting. This is really the only opportunity for concerns to be expressed about such non-planning issues to the applicant. Often this can result in better management of the proposed shop - in line with the desires of the local community - but in a non-binding way. The point of local meetings, as I understood it, was to find way for discussions to take place away from the formal planning process.
If no such concerns are allowed to be discussed at the meeting, it may be worth residents asking for a meeting to be arranged with Dominos where they can properly engage with the community.

I’ve received the letter as well. Will be interesting to see what they say. If Dominos don’t need planning permission to set up shop, I don’t know why the council haven’t just said up front they are & there is nothing we can do about it!

Meeting was pretty much as expected in the sense that business and deliveries could not be considered. There was a lot of discussion around this though. Dominos have found a loop hole and are exploiting it. It would seem that the council sought internal legal guidance but this just confirmed the situation - their policy (re movement of deliveries and siting of takeaways) cannot be applied as there is no technical change of use.
There was a guy from Dominos present and he has said that he will look into whether they could use electric bikes. We will see what may come of that. They will also see if any improvements can be made re illuminated signs and doors/windows more in keeping with the building.
There will be a committee stage to determine this but, what with the elections, no date could be given.

Thank you for going. I couldn’t get there last night after all, whereas I could have if they had kept the original date.
It doesn’t sound like much was said that we didn’t already know. I thought the council would have already sought advice.

They had, sorry if that was not clear.

Oh no you were clear, I meant I wasn’t surprised! Should have made myself clearer ️