On the spot litter fines going up from £75 to £150

I wonder how many actually get handed out.

I seem to recall from some time ago that Ian Wright contested a Fixed Penalty Notice for allegedly throwing litter from his moving car on Brownhill Road.
Cannot remember the outcome.

Good. It doesn’t take long does it to put your litter in a bin (when you can find one) or wait till you get home.

That is more than I thought… Good to see,

I personally witnessed a driver on London Road throwing a confectionery wrapper from his convertible onto the pavement at the lights by the petrol station. I actually took a photo after the event as it was so brazen - and to me unaccountable. However, I then couldn’t think of a way to report it. I reported some fly tipping a few months back on fixmystreet which is still there so didn’t see much point in worrying about it further.
Any suggestions for a better approach in such a situation are welcomed!