About 7 weeks ago, during a routine refuse collection our grey food waste bin got damaged by the Council employees which left our bin without the lid. We applied online for a replacement the same day. Still no bin and no phone number that lets you speak to a human. Every week now foxes make a huge mess outside our house. How do we get a replacement bin? Any suggestions?
Grey food waste bin. How to get a replacement?

Hi @Jomarina
Sorry to hear that your request has not been dealt with.
I would suggest you write an email to envirocasework@lewisham.gov.uk with your details (name, address and ticket number) and ask for 2 things.
One a new bin and another for the explanation of what has happened with your original request.
Do cc your councillors. In each SE23 ward there were some that were already. To find who is the best person to contact use the link https://www.lewisham.gov.uk/mayorandcouncil/elections/results/Pages/Election-results-2018.aspx
Click on your ward, and then click on the person who was already cllr at the election.
If you don’t get a new bin the end of a week, write to a councillor and ask them to follow up.

Thank you very much for this! Much appreciated!