[Now Open] Stanstead Rd/Brockley Rise water leak

Cheers - that explains the shrieks from OH upstairs in the shower.
We have low pressure and an ageing boiler!
ETA - when was the issue at Perry Hill?

Perry Hill is ongoing at present. Small road closure in place. Was suspected gas disruption last night too, but think they ruled that out.

I drove past it about 45 mins ago, traffic not that bad then but imagine it’ll back up later today.

Watch that space. I imagine when they start repairing the cones will have to come across the Catford bound lane, possible temp lights and alternate flow.
Hopefully it’s a quick and easy fix they can do over night. And before Monday. (not asking much lol)

Brockley Rise backing up badly due to it being a single lane at the junction with Stansted. Workers doing an assessment of the road now, so looks like work will start soon. Assuming they were planning how to implement closures etc.
Tankers also staged outside the BP on Stansted Rd, so looks like the supply will be interrupted in the not to distant future.

There is always some who won’t obey directions - see the latest clip timed at 12:35

Just come slowly down Brockley Rise - not a lot of action aside from the tankers but plenty of vans and men about and traffic is backing up. My water supply is very limited, just enough to kick the boiler into action but the shower isn’t working.
I am also filthy after my allotment site day so currently l am looking at an inch or two of warm water in the bath…

Guessing they will get started this evening when there is less traffic. Hope you enjoy that bath lol. I have left the tap running in my kitchen to remind myself of how lucky I am lol

Just been to have a shower, after reading this, just in case!

Haha better safe than sorry. Hope you have not made @Foresthillnick too jealous with your shower.
Hopefully it will have minimal disruption.

Just saw a 171 going past honor oak station so assume they are being diverted

Sigh, pressure was low and now it doesn’t run at all here (Waldram Park Road).

Jam cams show Brockley Rise closed both ways to traffic at Stanstead Road junction at 19:25 Saturday evening.

Oh wow, wasn’t expecting it to be affected up that high. Did see them surveying around the church at Sunderland /Stansted junction.

Got no water running on Stantead road… how i’m i going to flush

An old phrase from the French - garde à l’eau! - adopted in Edinburgh before the days of sealed sewer systems - might be the call for a few hours.
Gardy loo became the anglicised spelling - is that where our modern loo comes from ?

Guessing at some point the Catford bound lane will switch to the other side and use the turn right lane to allow room for the repairs.
Sorry to see it is causing so many issues for people. Fingers crossed they can get the repair done ASAP.

Perry Hill is closed, with diversions up Perry Rise, I assume the leak up there is contributing to problems in SE6.

ALL buses 356 (as normal), 75’s, 171’s,181’s and 202’s can be seen passing AIO - all very strange.

Yup, with two so close together they are really under pressure to offer bottled etc. Sadly it seems they have chosen to base themselves in Catford, not much good for people at this end of the issue.
Really becoming a joke now though.
Spotted a few more leaks being worked on while I was out today too.

Our low pressure from this morning has gone to no water at all this evening. Does anyone know how long they will be around handing out water? Do they set that kind of thing up to be 24 hours?

Usually open until the supplies are all out. Then replenish and start over.
Worth dropping them a tweet if you can, usually pretty responsive.


Appears to be a drive in and take what you need affair.
2/4 #SE23 #SE6 Our teams have been working on
three burst pipes in your area and progress hasn’t been as fast as we’d like. We’ve
needed to dig down to reach our pipes and valves located on busy sections of
main roads.
3/4 #SE23 #SE6 We’re working as quickly as we
can to restore supply but unsure of when this’ll be. We appreciate that this is
frustrating, but please bear with us, and check back here for updates on
our progress.

Three fails in such proximity that it may be of significant concern. Especially as we have had no real sub-zero temperatures for a few weeks.
Hope it is not a pre-cursor to wider systemic failure in our area.

Does make you wonder, especially given that two locations have both had 3 failures each within about a year.

21:05 - post-dinner clear up and water pressure is very much improved on Perry Hill.

Here you go, a reply from Thames Water re the collection point.
Hi Michael, we’ll keep the bottled water supplied until the water is back up and running - Charle

Bad news, slight delay…
#SE update continued.
We’ve had to stop work fixing a pipe on Stansted Road
while we assess an issue with a nearby electricity point. We’re really sorry
for this delay and we will begin work again as soon as it is safe to do so.

My water seems fine this morning - seem to come back to normal pressure at some point last night.

meanwhile, for those of us still without water, advice is to avoid spicy food and don’t stand too close to people!! Oh, and if you have a car, you can obtain emergency water in Catford! Tough shit for those who have to walk - pun intended!

They really do need to find a location closer to Brockley Rise to do a water drop.
I think the idea would be on at them on Twitter and wait for them to react.
The update says the electricity issue is resolved now so they are getting started on uncovering the pipe. Expected to take most of the day, minimum.

Thames water didn’t tell me there was a water drop in Brockley Rise! i was told behind the Civic Centre in Catford. I know these are 1st world problems, but in a 1st class city like London you don’t expect the 3rd water mains burst on the same site in 6 months! No spicy food for me today!

Where do you get this camera view of Stansted Road? Is it possible to drive from FH to Catford on the circular?

I feel for you Philippe, and all other car drivers, but when you actually have no water, i couldn’t give a &%$£ about the traffic. Have a lovely Sunday though : )

There isn’t one, that is what I am saying, there needs to be.
Only thing that was on Brockley Rise was tankers, which I assumed at the time of seeing them, would stay in situ, apparently not
Yes you can currently drive to Catford from FH. Will get the link for the cam. Its been on and off recently though.

Well maybe I want to drive to get water in Catford - though about it?

good luck! and like i said, have a great Sunday. We all deserve it.

Here you go @Philippe
Lights are currently still out I believe.

Have a massive problem after water leak ,getting vibration thru all pipes if water is on,phoned tThems water unable to do anything until Monday,told them I an a Dialysis patient said go to hospital won’t give me a name or number or person to talk to totally piss of

Have just driven past Brockley Rise eastbound on South Circular without problems.

By all accounts this is quite common as pressure returns to the system. If the supply has been returned fully, running your taps for a long period should solve it.
Good luck

Sorry to hear that. And i thought i had problems, but maybe i am being selfish. Someone from Thames Water should be visiting you, personally, to give you water! I hope your issues are sorted out very soon.

I Just bought £15 worth of water at the local shop on Stanstead Rd. I don’t have a damn car, why should i go to catford for water … thames water you guys are wasting my tiny money

Thanks Warren it’s still happening even though we have no water ?

Is there any kind of estimation of when this will be sorted? I really feel for people without cars trying to get water at the moment.
We’re going swimming so we can all have showers

Sounds like it’s going to be quite a while due to the delays overnight.
Would plan not to have water for most of the day to be honest. Even once it’s repaired it has to be tested etc.
Thames Water have been very good with their updates at least, worth keeping an eye on Twitter and asking them from time to time.
Hope I am not going on too much on this thread.

So a bit of an update for you all.
First up, the electricity… Last night while digging the footpath began smouldering, work stopped and it was discovered the water had gotten into the electrical system, causing it to blow a something or other. See pictures
Next, they can’t currently manage to stop the flow of water, so are heading further up Brockley Rise to try and shut some more valves off to try and stop it flowing. Can’t start repair til that is done.
2 pumps working flat out having no effect on draining the system…
Believed to be a 7 inch main under the join in the road and footpath which has gone.
In short, gonna be a long one.

To be fair to Thames Water, I am sure, are working their Boll$%Ks off to sort this out. This is a 1st world problem for most of us . . .except for Watchman45 who has proper, serious issues. I hope this gets sorted out for the people who really need this.

I have requested / suggested that they use the pavement area on the corner by Smallworld Coffee as a water collection point. Saw way too many people walking from shops with water.

I noticed yesterday evening that the road was closed on Perry Hill (Catford Hill?) just before where it meets the South Circular near Hogwarts. As I was driving I couldn’t notice whether it was water, electricity or whatever. Anyone know if it’s still closed?

It was due to water. Works were still ongoing when I passed yesterday. Like Brockley Rise, its the same location roughly for the leak, again!
I did see traffic entering and coming from Catford Hill yesterday, which is more than it was doing on Friday.

update from Thames Water: water bottles outside jenner Centre. I don’t think this issue will be solved until at least tomorrow. Tip reminder: avoid Spicy food, and close contact with people!!

Does anyone know anything about the seeming water tankers outside Maplin / opposite the Railway Telegraph?

I get the impression they were used to drain the system initially, as they are not the usual distribution tankers.
When they were I Brockley Rise, they were taking water on. Probably sitting there waiting for the right main to be turned off so the can come back and drain it.

Got a text from Thames Water with apologies that they won’t complete the work on Stansted Road today…

Thanks, NewGuy. I spotted this afternoon that Perry Hill is closed (“Access only”) from Big Sainsbury’s northwards.

Why can’t they put more water stops closer as I don’t drive and can’t walk far due to sciatica

Do you need assistance ?
Happy to pick up and deliver water to you.

Oh there seem to be hope for Stansted Road - Thames Water saying on Twitter that it may be fixed this evening.

When would u be able to pick and drop me some

A very kind and community-spirited offer, @anon51837532

Do you need some this evening ?
I can also do 08:00 onward tomorrow morning.
Please private message your address to me.

I would prefer some tonight asap please not sure how to private message

Please reply to this message with your address and once I have it we will ask @anon5422159 to delete it.
Can @faultythinking or @anon30031319 confirm there is water available at Brockley Rise and/or Maplins ?

Believe it was at The Jenner mate, but not been there recently to confirm

I could get bottles from Thames Water an hour ago on the parking of Jenner Practice

Thank you @Philippe and @anon30031319

Got it - @anon5422159 can you remove the address please.


Hi thank you and sorry for any inconvenience I am causing you

Well done @anon51837532 !!

Thank you @anon5422159.
@maggie2016 - no problems - will be with you probably in the next twenty to thirty minutes.

Thank u

Thank you for the kind man who just came to drop me some water due to my sciatica

Jenner Car Park still has plenty of water.
Thames people I think are planning to depart soon and probably leave the bottled water.
They expressed confidence that the service interruption is coming to an end and that supplies will be fully restored within 1 to 2 hours.

Nice one. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner; hadn’t spotted the notification.

At last, I can take my shower… water is back on

Back here too \o/

One of the latest tweets; about the pressure still maybe not being full for everyone (e.g. Higher level flats)

Road still closed though.

Water pressure pretty much back to normal for us this morning.
Around the junction there are a lot of barriers up and the temp traffic lights aren’t working. Thames Water guys on-site say that the traffic lights are the responsibility of their subcontractors. Expecting chaos - and a very long queue to get out of Cranston Road.

Round objects.
Thames Water hold the permit for the road closure and they are ultimately responsible. Their obligation is absolute and they must ensure all signs and traffic control systems are in place and functioning.
They cannot off-load their obligations in any way.

Who is Round and why does he object?
(Oldies but goodies)

The current state of play with the local leaks.
Both roads still closed, better progress on Brockley Rise than Catford Hill for sure.
Currently no temp lights on Brockley Rise, traffic under human control.
And some quite creative use of spray on Catford Hill, not sure if it’s official terminology.

And just in case we did not know what was happening - picture four says it all - “Leak”.
Great report.

Haha yeah, seems like a eureka moment… Found it… LEAK! Then packed up and went home.
Noticed Brockley Rise is all one big hole now but backfilled within a few inches of the road level. You know these things better than I, but guessing another day or two til it’s open again.

Brockley Rise Junction appears open.

Buses still reporting being on diversion, anyone know different?
Nice turnaround though I have to say.

The 171 I used this morning wasn’t on diversion.

Cheers Dan, that’s a relief.

I still have vibration thru my pipes ever time the cold water is turned on called,they’ve said nothing they can do will TRY to send someone next week nobody’s wants to own this problem rant over:rage:

If you keep the cold tap turned on for 2-3 minutes, does that help? Or is it no better? Maybe try turning on the cold gently at first, then gradually open it up to full.
It sounds like you’ve maybe got air in the pipes and it just needs a bit of time to clear - but I’m no plumber.

Tried all that doesn’t work ,everyone this it’s linked to my new water meter,started after they fitted it last June ,my bills on the new system are over £400 more then the old system,had a plumber look said I was using water like a tower block

Had the same problem after Smart meter installed, Noisy pipes particularly the feed to the tank in the loft. But the worse bit of all was sludge or mud was pushed through the cold feed to the boiler and sat behind a valve seat that wouldn’t seal ?issing water out the overflow, and the boiler engineer had to virtually strip the boiler down to get to the valve to renew at my cost, Thames water didn’t want to know.
Bloody hopeless.

As the issue in the original post is now resolved.