The corner of Hawkesfield Road onto Woolstone road has sprung a major leak. The tarmac is bubbling up under the pressure of the water. Have reported online to Thames Water and Lewisham Council. Anyone have an idea how to escalate? It’s the spot where there was a previous sink hole and worried the pavement and road may collapse.
Another water leak: Woolstone Road / Hawkesfield Road

They tend to reply pretty quickly on Twitter, once they are aware, unless the road / pavement is becoming dangerous, it just has to wait for them to attend…
Just seen what I assume is your tweet. Have retweeted it to the local bobbies to check if possible. TW saying attendance time of up to 48 hours. sigh

Brilliant thank you. I do think it could be a danger so thanks for sharing as you have. I worry if it collapses a car or person could end up in danger.

You are totally right to be concerned, so well done for doing your bit and reporting it. Thank you, as a cyclist , stuff like this can get bloody dangerous.

Thanks for the heads up - a friend of mine lives on that corner so I have been able to warn her about it.

Should we stop mending the leaks and build a canal network? Might be cheaper than the current system of two or three Thames Water teams permanently on site in SE23. We’d need a canoe rack at the station rather than a bike rack. And the hills would require an extensive system of locks.

We should establish a protocol to name these new lakes. Might attract water fowl into the area.

@Pea Out of interest, can you post an update when they show up please (when you have time) Just curious about how quickly they show up.
Sometimes the only way of telling are some little blue lines sprayed on the road from a 5 min visit.

They have been here about an hour.
They are shutting one side of the road down to do the work. Woolstone still has 185 plus buses on divert so I wonder if TfL can remove the diverted buses before more mayhem happens?

Wow, that’s a veritable geyser!

Quite the leak that !
I just took a few snaps myself as I rode past. Blimey. Hope no one is without water, not for too long.

Reminds me of Iceland.

Thought the water was too blue !!

They were just at the top of Houston Road turning off the supply (I think- men with big rods going round in circles) as I drove by.

Water now off on Woolstone road

We now have water back on and at full pressure.

Awesome, now that’s what I am talking about, fair play Thames Water.