Flying Trapeze in Ruskin Park - Ever thought about running away to join the circus? The London Circus Company (TLCC) is offering flying trapeze classes for all ages and levels of experience in Ruskin Park this Summer. We are passionate about making our school an exciting and fun experience and offer lessons from beginner to experienced flyers. Come and join us and discover that little bit of circus that lives inside us all! For more information and booking please visit us at or drop us an email at
Flying Trapeze Lessons

Aargh… I used to live about a three minute walk from there… this sounds amazing… if only I were 20 years younger! I fear I may injure myself and others if I did this now…

Haha I see what you mean Paul, if I was let loose with something like this I would probably cause mayhem
Definitely would be up my Street if I was a little bit younger, Oh if only I was, the old legs start to creek when you get close to 50 like me
Joking aside from us oldies, hope it goes well @TLCCTrapezeSchool sounds amazing

In our view you are never too old to learn to fly! We cater for all ages from 6yrs upwards. You’ll be in safety lines and have a large soft net to be lowered down into. (I took my first lesson in my late 30’s and now have a serious addiction!). Lisa from TLCC Trapeze School.

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