Stolen Bike

Hi there. Sorry to hear. Gutting.
Keep checking Gumtree and eBay. Mine was stolen from our back garden in much the same way and it appeared on Gumtree a month later. Because it was classified by police as a domestic burglary it was taken more seriously than if it had been stolen off the street. I called 101, an officer went round verified the stamp number and I got it back. With a new wheel on it no less!

Brilliant result and glad you got your bike back! I’m not overly fussed about the actual bike as it was getting on a bit but more annoyed about the brazen cheek of it and that someone has been into the garden. Good advice, and the police told me about which scrapes the likes of gumtree, eBay etc so will be keeping an eye out. Just baffles me how they got it out of the garden.

I suspect you are in a terrace, which would normally make your back garden very secure. They may have accessed your back garden through an adjoining property.

possible, although the fences looked undisturbed and there is a lot of new plant growth across them. Maybe there was two guys, one handing the bike to another. Lesson learned, I won’t be leaving anything of value outside again!