There are some lovely silver birch trees that have gone in in the new streetscape on Dartmouth road, opposite Thorpewood Avenue, but in this heat they appear to be looking very ill, probably lack of water. Does anyone know of a contact from the people doing the works that we could get them out to water the trees, or is there a contact for the tree team in highways? or is it a case of a kind local citizen going out and watering them?
@Michael do you know?
Dartmouth Road Trees

New trees need a lot of watering, so it would be great if local traders and residents could chuck a bucket or two at the roots. @Pauline - is there a rota already in place for watering?

I think they might have automatic watering. I certainly saw some pipes when they put them in.

Pipes are put in to allow water to be poured into a tube at ground level and travel deep down to the roots. But the watering has to be done manually. That might be what you saw being installed.

So who’s responsible for watering them ?

That’s exactly the question the OP was asking.

I just spoke to a lovely chap who was watering the ones outside the job centre. He said he will also be watering the Sylvan Post ones and he is from “”. He will be watering them once a week.

I hope he also watered the ones further up the street as in the original post.

Got the following detailed response from Lewisham after submitting a Fix My Street report about the trees opposite the pools/library.
These recently installed semi-mature trees have been grown in such a way that with the appropriate aftercare they can survive moves at this time of year. In light of the current conditions, they are currently being watered twice a week to ensure the best chance of survival. However, it is normal after moving even when the weather is cooler for the trees to show some signs of stress in their first season and to suffer some leaf loss as part of their coping strategy if the conditions are particularly adverse. They usually recover from this the following year. It doesn’t look like there is much respite ahead for the next week or so and therefore our contractors will continue with this heightened watering regime to give them the best chance of survival. Should we have the misfortune to lose trees, they will be replanted by the contractor under the terms of their contract at no additional cost to the Council

The company looking after the trees in Dartmouth Road is actually not “streetcare” as I originally quoted.
I spoke with them on the phone today and they are watering all the trees and tubs once a week. They also said that because the trees were planted in the summer instead of the autumn they are likely to not be at their best this year but will recover and in this hot weather they will benefit from any additional water anyone wants to give them.

I noticed that they’d all been given the watering jacket things around the base of each tree. These are filled with water, and there’s some kind of slow release system in place to ensure that all the water given gets delivered to the tree roots rather than draining too far away. They do all look like they’ve got some new green leaves on so they’ll hopefully survive.