Attempted Child Abduction in Penge

A new user just posted to claim this was a false allegation. They did not elaborate on this when asked, so we have temporarily removed their post.
We will post any official update from MPS Bromley.

Cheers to whoever flagged this, I saw the post in my emails!

Unfortunately I don’t have time to sit here all day and watch for replies here. Suffice to say that I know the person who was questioned by the police regarding this matter . They can account for their whereabouts at the time this alleged incidents took place. It would seem that this child has made up this story , possibly to cover up something, and has given the description of a completely innocent person .

I have temporarily closed this topic to further replies, pending an official update from the police (who I contacted earlier today)
From my point of view it’s not in the spirit of this forum to blame the child here until the police investigation has reached its conclusion.
But I have left the post here in the interests of openness.