The child lived within 25 metres of the South Circular in Lewisham and walked or was driven to school along the road for 20-30 minutes. I wonder what the introduction of the ULEZ extension will do for pollution levels on the road, and personally think it should be extended upto the M25. It is also a shame that our local park at the Horniman Triangle is only a few meters from the road.
Air pollution on the S.Circular linked to a child’s death

This road needs to be in a tunnel:
Air pollution reduced;
Noise pollution reduced;
Communities revitalised;
Land liberated for housing;
Can’t think of a downside … the cost? Where there’s a will, the money can be found.

What happens to the polluted air from either side of the tunnel?

The diesel scandal and the fatal mistake of the EU and the UK pushing for diesel vehicles will be perhaps one of the greatest unrecognised tragedies of our (especially Londoners) generation.

There are cladding materials that can absorb pollution. Also, air flow from tunnels is typically not just from the ends, so am sure there could be engineered approaches to this which at least mitigate the issue.
I think that sitting in an idling (diesel) vehicle should be taboo - a bit like smoking in a public building.

If you look at most tunnels, let say the Blackwell, there are fans which push the air in the tunnel along. Usually out of the tunnel creating a pollution hotspot. Tiles help, but not a lot. Also, most modern cars have stop/start on them. Finally, let’s not only focus on diesels, modern ones are far far less polluting than they were. Petrol doesn’t get off Scot free.

Blackwall is not ‘most tunnels’! It is under the river. Most tunnels of any length have ways for air to escape along them. Tiles will help a bit, as you say, as will planting/retention of trees. And, yes, the reason why I put diesel in brackets is, I agree, other vehicles need to be part of this too. Bravo for those with stop/start ignition but sadly not enough of them as yet.

Tunnels could be engineered like sewers, which have tall pipes that allow the gases to escape high above street level. They look like lampposts, but have no light.
I think the days of the diesel engine are numbered. I have seen draft scientific research that suggests that diesel particles enter our brains and cause dementia.

Any tunnel under FH would be pretty long wouldn’t it?