Potential Health Warning to people in and around the junction between Woolstone Rd and Vancouver Rd. SE23/SE6
Someone has flytipped some corrugated roofing material about 4 weeks ago. The council waste team have repeatedly picked up other flytipped stuff. But not this roofing material.
This suggests that they don’t want to touch it. Why? Could it be asbestos? It is now breaking up. If this is asbestos then a serious health risk to all. School kids walk past this every day who could be jumping up and down on it. We have reported it to the council and awaiting a response and action to be taken. If anyone else is aware of this please report it too. The quicker it’s removed the better.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Potential Health Warning

4 Jul '18

5 Jul '18
I’ve tweeted Lewisham and asked for a response. This is awful.
Have you reported on FixMyStreet?

5 Jul '18
I’ve recently found asbestos lined piping in my garden. After some runnning around, asbestos disposal is not handled by Lewisham but centrally. The number to call is 020 7332 3433 to arrange removal. I would call myself (they answer v promptly) but They will want exact location and no doubt details of what’s there.

5 Jul '18
I would be gobsmacked if the council had not cleared asbestos from a public area in the borough as soon as they were made aware it could be asbestos.

5 Jul '18
It’s now been cleared. Tanks for tweeting Lewisham council.