Hi all,
I am looking to open an art gallery in Forest Hill, as we have a huge number of talented artists living in the area, but no permanent art gallery to show and sell their work.
I’m looking for any input from fellow Forest Hilliers - where do you think it should be, which artists would you like to see, would you be interested in events and classes?
I’m in the early planning spaces at present, I have some artists interested, and was thinking of looking into the old Waters greengrocers shop.
Any input gratefully received!
New art gallery in Forest Hill

I think the Waters green grocers would be a great idea - or perhaps the old Crafty Beer shop opposite the station. That side of the tracks needs a bit of a boost. There are some great businesses there (Clapton Craft, Finches, The Artful Barbers to name a few), but it always feels a tad neglected. So anyone investing would be helping draw more people in.
I’d like to see lots of local artists - Supermundane and anyone on Havelock Walk would be good to have on show, as well as probably being good people to get more inspiration from.

I am glad you’re thinking of opening a gallery, which I am sure would be appreciated by many. I have some reservations about the Waters site, as it is small and has roads closely adjacent on two sides. If I’m looking at a painting I like to be able to step back and look from a distance, as well as close up.
Lots of sites currently empty. How about the Barclays site? Larger, and situated near the Forest Hill ‘arts centre’ of Dartmouth Road, London Road (Canvas and Cream), Havelock Walk.
If you also have the occasional reading and live music event, so much the better!

Thanks Westy, great to hear some love for the “wrong side of the tracks”!

Doesn’t Canvas & Cream have a gallery at the back or has it closed now? (been a long time since I’ve been in there)

Hi Devonish, thanks for your thoughts. I agree the Barclays site would be great, but I suspect it will be out of our budget. I will be taking to agents and landlords next week, so then I’ll have a better idea of feasible sites.

Hi armadillo, yes they still have the gallery, and they have some good exhibitions there. But I think the area would really benefit from a dedicated commercial gallery. We’d be advertising the artists’ work, holding launched and events, and offering art and craft courses too!

'Tis the best side of the tracks. If someone smart opened a fancy coffee shop on Perry Vale, they’d be quids in. A gallery would be a cracking centre of gravity to get more people venturing through the underpass.
Good luck with finding a venue where ever you end up though.

Love the idea of a gallery on Perry Vale! Agreed with DF that Waters is a bit busy and small but the windows let so much light in! I’ll definitely be popping in regardless of where you find yourselves. Good luck!

Thanks ametzelaar! I look forward to seeing you once we’re up and running

Is the vacant Santander branch next to Havelock Walk available? Seems like a good location.

That’s actually a great idea, although might be treading on C&C’s toes somewhat?

Not if you bring something different to the mix. Then you would be complimentary

Does anyone here know who holds the lease for the Waters shop? I’m struggling to find out who to contact.

Inquire at Dawson Property Services 21 Perry Vale, Forest Hill, SE23 2NE 020 8291 9198

Thanks SE23 blue!

In the same way that Havelock Studios are all adjacent and create an attractive FH “arts district,” you might find that having two adjacent galleries attracts more punters, and from a wider catchment area.

Relevant to this, I understand the Perry Vale restaurant premises has been sold, although that’s all I know. Their alarm was sounding this week so when a neighbour called the owners’ other place, The Crooked Well (?), she was told they’d sold the property. Innnnnteresting…

There’s a unusual and surprisingly amazing shop opposite the Sylvan Post which was apparently under-offer to an art gallery owner last year. It’s got the narrowest frontage ever but, after the first 40 feet or so at only about 7 or 8 feet wide, it opens up into a very special ‘hall’ of a space with a ceiling height of 11 feet and a staircase down to a large basement with some more useful rooms.

Ooh, that sounds very intriguing. Not sure if it’s what we’re looking for, but I might try to arrange a viewing anyway

I can send you contact details for the owner who i met a couple of times last year. The problem is that he is trying to get planning permission for the work that has been done already to convert the top floor.

Thanks Michael! Any info is useful at this stage of the planning

I don’t want to Pee on anyones bonfire and although I am keen to see independent buisinesses opening up in our empty shops I can’t help but wonder about the commercial wisdom of opening an art gallery in Forest Hill. Its a lovely idea but how much disposable income do us locals have to buy art?
Especially when we have Dulwich open house and havelock walk open studios twice a year.
I think Canvas and cream have a winning formula in that art sales isn’t their main form of income.
Even the fabulous StDavids cafe sell art from their walls.
there was formally a gallery/shop on Dartmouth road almost opposite Stag and Bow.
That didn’t survive.
I think you need to offer more than just selling art.
Peckham is more of an art scene destination than Forest Hill.

That makes perfect sense @maxrocks - and you’re probaly dead right.
In my ignorance, I would have assumed that someone thinking of opening an art gallery here would be drawing (no pun intended!) potential customers in from website advertising; and the shop’s location would merely be relevant due to its connection with Havelock Walk and V22 perhaps. The premises I mentioned would also be large enough to have rentable workshops to generate a buzz as well as additional income.

Thanks both for your input, and Anotherjohn you’ve hit the nail on the head: we will be offering classes, events and workshops as well as shows; we’ll also be focusing on lower-cost items such as prints, and smaller items and gifts as well.
In terms of being an art destination, well, you can’t become one until there’s some art to see! Once we have an active gallery here with a full events programme, I think we’ll start to see FH becoming a fixture on the art circuit.

I think somewhere with artsy type classes would do really well – I’d definitely come to them There are lots of interesting ones in Crystal Palace and they’re always sold out, especially around Christmas. I think the key is to start them late enough in the evening, so that people can get back from work, around 7.30/8 and to have drinks too!

A wonderful idea. Myself and the OH have bought some wonderful original art from Locals to bedeck our walls, most often during the Havelock Walk events. We’d love the chance to view a wider range of local artists and in a better viewing environment then a busy event, as fun as it is.

Great feedback hojo and Starman, thank you! I’ve been talking to a couple of premises today, so hopefully I’ll have some more news soon

Have a look at Honor Oak park. Good gallery there. I think it’s called “Something”… Nice range of works.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll be conducting a lot of market research in the area.

The gallery on Honor Oak Park are advertising space on this forum to rent, but would that be what you are looking for?

Have you talked to Louise House ?

Hi weepy, no I haven’t - is that a person or a place?

It’s a place next to the Library. http://www.v22collection.com/v22-louise-house/
Part of V22 - Art Collective…
@Pauline might be able to intro you

Ah yes, Pauline did suggest I chat to them, I just havent had a chance yet! Thanks for the tip

How’s the hunt for premises going? Any joy with the old Waters place?

Hi there,
I think it’s an absolutely great idea and as I am beginning my own business doing printmaking work initially from home, I would definitely be interested to show work as well as doing workshops etc… there is a lot of creativity and now some alternative places to see and experience it would prove really positive I think.
Can you keep us all updated please?!
Thanks and best of luck