After such positive recent talk it seems a shame to see so many empty units on London Road. Not necessarily sorry to see Western Union close but along with both banks, things do look a bit bleak. I wonder what businesses could make a success of these spaces?
High Street Closures

Ladbrookes and coral eying London Rd and perhaps a poundland for the bigger unit

Yes poundland would be great


Appreciate that the high street landscape is changing all over the country but if these places stay empty then it would confirm that retailers or other businesses (chain or indie) aren’t exactly clamouring to get into Forest Hill. While it’s nice to keep the area fairly independent orientated, a couple of well resepected chains might start a positive uplift?

Yes but not more betting shops!

Bakery bakery bakery bakery …!

Yes, yes, yes, yes!

I agree - but what vacant retail spaces have we got that are big enough for any of the chains?

Betting shops would not be welcome…!

By ‘chain’, I suppose I mean ‘not independent’. A good high street should really have room for both and a healthy mix. We moved to FH 3 years ago and we love it, but I’m trying to understand why an area that has everything going for it can have so much prime retail space lying empty or under-utilised. The reason I mention chains is because I’m guessing they are more likely to be able to pay the higher high street costs that we do hear about. I’m not interested in rapid gentrification, it’s just a shame to see places empty. Perhaps the South Circular hinders things?

I feel the same about betting’s prominence in the media and on the high street.
There are a few shops that have become vacant within a short period - those being Barclays, Santander and Western Union on London Road and the afro hair products shop on Dartmouth Road. Unfortunately, given the types of leases on the banks will probably mean that assignment will be quite long-winded, however, the ingoing tenants are more likely to be strong covenants (like chains). I only hope that the Barclays vacancy, in particular, doesn’t put a spanner in the works for Costa taking 1/2 of the big hardware store’s premises a few doors up.

What is needed is something new that brings new footfall into the area. So this idea might upset the puritans and prudes amongst the community. A bespoke high quality adult themed shop stocking items of Pain and pleasure this can be done tastefully and the market research should be fun.

no to a betting shops. they tend to attract street drinking and general loitering

Not heard anthying on here about Costa for some time, and it seems like business as usual at the Hardware store. Hopefully the empty spaces will be filled quickly.

Or you could just travel on Southern.

That takes care of the pain.
But where do we get the pleasure?

Shame the signage on the shops has now gone.
We could easily have created a Fantander, Farclays and Festern Union in the spirit of Ferfect Fried Chicken.